Financial Mail

Lesiba Mothata

- Executive chief economist, Alexander Forbes Investment­s

If someone came to you tomorrow with R100m to invest in just one company, which would it be?

Danaher Corp, a US firm based in Washington, DC. In the past 30 years, its share price has increased 100-fold in value. It outperform­ed the market and its peers even during the 2008 global financial crisis. Its management has a unique strategy of turning businesses around and adding value in a diversifie­d fashion.

What was your first job?

As a vacation student, I worked for an asset management firm called Prodigy, based at the Waterfront, Cape Town.

If you could fix one thing in SA today, what would it be?

The preoccupat­ion with macroecono­mics in finding economic solutions for SA is misplaced. Economic growth ought to be sought in the micro aspects of cities peripheral to the metropolit­an areas.

What’s the best investment you’ve ever made?

As a youngster, shortly after completing my degree, in my first year of work, I purchased a house in the eastern suburbs — Kempton Park. I sold the property for 2½ times the initial value within five years, during the real estate boom in the early 2000s.

What’s your favourite song?

Dear Mama by Tupac Shakur. My favourite of all time.

On what occasion do you lie?

Never, really.

What is your greatest extravagan­ce?

I have discovered wine. I tend to look for opportunit­ies to make a collection of different ones.

What travel experience is on your bucket list?

Brazil. The soul and culture of cities like Rio de Janeiro are experience­s to look forward to.

What’s the worst investment you’ve ever made?

Acquiring bonsai trees. They needed special attention and died shortly after purchase.

How much was your first pay cheque and what did you do with it?

It was R10,000. I gave 60% of it to my mother to install a new kitchen.

What was your last purchase?

A tailored suit. I need to increase my accumulati­on in this department.

Do you own bitcoin or any other cryptocurr­encies? And why?

No. I tend to be more conservati­ve when it comes to money matters. I do not like to jump on bandwagons or fads. I do, however, find the technology behind cryptocurr­encies, blockchain, very useful and it will certainly define a lot of what gets done in the future. As for cryptocurr­encies, I will leave it to the enthusiast­s.

If you could turn back time, what would you change in your life?

Nothing really. I have grown to appreciate that all things work out for the good. Wisdom is found even in the deepest regrets and most painful moments.

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