Financial Mail

Fikile Mbalula


Minister of transport

Score: 0

Fikile Mbalula will be remembered for one thing during the lockdown: bending over backwards for SA’S powerful taxi operators.

It should have been expected that “Razzmatazz” would cave, after he held a ridiculous­ly crowded meeting at a Joburg taxi rank mere weeks into l ockdown, pleading with people to follow the regulation­s.

Mbalula also came under fire after gazetting regulation­s to allow minibus taxis to operate at 70% capacity, but then giving the goahead for 100% capacity after a meeting with taxi operators. He reverted to the original 70% after public outcry. Then, in July, taxis were allowed to operate at 100% capacity on short-distance trips, and 70% for long distance.

Booysen says the government’s weaknesses were on graphic display in the minister’s negotiatio­ns with the taxi industry. “The taxi bosses walked all over the minister [and the government],” she says.

Sarakinsky believes he was “outmanoeuv­red and outplayed by the taxi industry”, resulting in flip-flopping and strange policy decisions. He says Mbalula also failed to take advantage of the lockdown to refurbish damaged public rail infrastruc­ture.

February says Mbalula did not cover himself in glory, adding that communicat­ion from his department was also haphazard and unclear.

For Mathekga, Mbalula’s dealings with the taxi industry were simply a disaster.

Luyolo Mkentane

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