George Herald

Placement in school a struggle for twins

- Alida de Beer

Family members of eight-yearold twin sisters who have been unable to get the children placed at a primary school of their choice for 2023 and now again for the 2024 school year, out of desperatio­n turned to George Herald, hoping that putting their story out in public might help.

George Herald relayed their complaint to the Western Cape Education Department (WCED). A week later one of the family's three preferred schools indicated to the department that they would accommodat­e the girls.

The uncle of the twins (who remains anonymous to protect the girls' identity) told George Herald that they had exhausted every avenue in their effort to get them placed. They were beginning to panic as they did not want a repeat of last year. "The girls should have done Grade 1 this year. We could not skip another year."

With the help of an official at the Eden and Central Karoo district office, their first step was to complete the required online applicatio­n. However, the system showed that the three schools they had applied to were full. Repeated visits in person to these schools by the uncle and the girls' grandfathe­r were in vain. The months went by without them getting any indication as to possible placement. The last straw for them was when the district office told them to email the office of the education minister. "I felt that referring us to the minister was not the way to deal with our dilemma," said the uncle.

However, according to the department, appealing to the Western Cape Minister of Education is a normal course of action that parents or caregivers can take in such cases.

Spokespers­on Bronagh Hammond said the department was aware of the case of the twins. "Their applicatio­ns to the three schools were made on time, however, no supporting documents were uploaded on the applicatio­n. The parent/caregiver did not appeal to the minister of education. Contact was however made with the district office that has been liaising with the schools.

"The parent/ caregiver has been informed of the school that has offered to accommodat­e the learners.

They must visit the school and complete the necessary paperwork with which to apply. This was one of the three schools that they had originally applied to. We hope they enjoy their new school and their school career going forward."

On the same day that

George Herald received this response from the department, Wednesday 15 November, the uncle confirmed to us that the family had been informed of the placement and said they were very relieved.

Placement an ongoing process

Hammond said not all applicants in the Eden and Central Karoo district have been placed. "The WCED is still in the process of placement. We receive new late applicatio­ns daily throughout the province which require placement and schools have to finalise school class lists, that will only be finalised once final report cards are issued.

This will determine if a learner has progressed to the next grade or has to repeat a year. Schools generally hold a number of seats in a grade for this purpose and often this can result in more places opening up if there is a larger cohort of learners progressin­g to the next grade."

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