Glamour (South Africa)

Interview etiquette 101

- By Timothy Ferriss (Ebury; R328) By Aliza Licht (Little, Brown Book Group; R318) By Katie Couric (Random House; R160) By Tina Fey (Little, Brown Book Group; R141) By Sophia Amoruso (Penguin; R212) By Jessica Bacal (Penguin Putnam; R267) By Blake Myc

DO Make an impression

“I always took a pot plant to interviews, and at the end, I’d say it was theirs to keep, and they’d remember me. I got every job I applied for. True story.” – Aanisah, 36

Get creative

“After the usual queries, the interviewe­r said, “People are…,’ and waited for my answer. I blurted out the first thing in my head: “… people, so why should it be, you and I should get along so awfully!” And I sang it. I got the job.” – Akeelah, 20

Dress comfortabl­y

“I wear something familiar, so I feel at ease, with classic makeup: elegant and profession­al.” – Zaharah, 21

be honest

“On a referral from a friend, I went for an interview as the book keeper at a law firm, despite zero experience. I admitted I had never worked in bookkeepin­g, and shockingly, I got the job. The lawyer interviewi­ng me said you can be trained to do something well, but honesty can’t be taught.” – Beke, 37

be polite to all

“I developed a good rapport with the intern who was setting up interview appointmen­ts. We got to know each other and she gave me heads-ups on just what they were looking for, and for the final round, she made my meeting last, so I had a chance to make a really memorable impression.” – Bertha, 22

act profession­ally

“My advice as a recruitmen­t specialist: research the company, be early, dress well, speak clearly and prepare questions. A firm handshake at the start and end creates an impression of you as courteous and assertive.” – Yasmin, 38

DON’T be walked over

“When asked about my hobbies, I said baking. The interviewe­r asked for biscuits, so the next day I delivered a batch. And didn’t get the job!” – Carlien, 23

Do Drugs

“I smoked weed at a party, and the next week, during the interview, I was given a lie detector test and asked if I’d ever done drugs. I was so busted.” – Charmeine, 24

Get too close

“A candidate asked to hug me. It was a no to the hug, and the job.” – Uli, 39

hold back

“Three other shortliste­d candidates and I were asked to present a strategy for the position. My friends thought I was mad to spend so many late nights on the document, but I got the job and went in with a clear vision.” – Dané,40

TED Talks

Dan Ariely What makes us feel good about our work. Nigel Marsh Work-life balance. Angela Lee Duckworth The power of passion and perseveran­ce.

Audrey Choi How to make a profit while making a difference.

Yves Morieux How to simplify your life when work gets more complex. Kristin could do while Present Kristin went shopping. I thought I’d become a millionair­e, then worry about saving. But if you don’t save now, you probably won’t do it later. Plus, with compound interest, the sooner you start, the better. The Fix “Have regular contact with your money,” says financial therapist Amanda Clayman. Check your budget regularly and pay some bills manually, so you see your money flow. List big goals, like a home, holiday and retirement, and break them into achievable steps. Future You will still want a good life, so Present You should save today.”

Mindset three

My justificat­ion for not saving: no one my age has, and if everyone else is going out or buying a new bag, I can, too. To break out of that, Kara says, “Identify what you want – and prioritise that.” The Fix “Be honest about your goals,” Kara says. “No one else will work for your dreams; you must.” Create a system: on payday, immediatel­y fund your goal, whether it’s saving or student debt. This way, you put money where it matters most to you.

All too often we idolise or see money as evil. I learnt to see it for what it really is: a tool to support what matters to me. Change how you think and you’ll stop feeling controlled and start feeling you have more power over it.

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