Glamour (South Africa)

Body How Emma Stone got ripped

Steal her secrets, toned down for real life.


just three months after twirling off the La La Land set, Emma Stone began filming Battle of the Sexes as tennis legend Billie Jean King. To transform from dancer lithe to Grand Slam muscular, she turned to trainer Jason Walsh.

“Emma did two daily workouts and gained 16kgs of lean muscle,” he says. “She strength-trained like a champ.” And all that weightlift­ing obviously does a body good. Here are his lessons to help you get fitter.

Use your strength Emma’s workouts included pushing a 90kg sled around, but Jason swears it wasn’t torture. “Every client I’ve had, including Emma, finds strength training addictive,” he says. Try this move (it works your entire body!): Place hands on a wall and walk feet back until you’re in a plank position. Bring one knee into chest, keeping the other leg straight, and push into the wall with hands. Continue, alternatin­g knees, for 30 seconds. Rest 30 seconds and repeat. Work up to 10 rounds.

Be one-sided Strength exercises that work one side of the body at a time, like single-leg squats, are a big part of how Jason gets clients stronger. “It’s like moving in real life,” he says. “When you walk, you don’t only use one leg. You’re using your body as it’s intended to work.” The single-leg thing also forces more muscle groups to fire up, particular­ly your core. Do two sets of 10 single-leg squats per leg (standing on one leg, bend knee and sit back as low as you can). Aim to add a set every week, and work up to five total sets.

Go for the big moves “Emma was good at deadlifts, which are hard!” says Jason. She worked up to lifting 83kgs, but unless you’re a pro (or have a trainer), try this: Lean over a kettlebell (or heavy object, like a brick), feet slightly wider than hip-width, toes pointed out. Push butt back and torso forward and keep chest up. Grab kettlebell (or brick) with both hands and stand by pushing hips forward, squeezing butt. Return to start and repeat. Do two sets of 10; working up to five sets.

Eat plenty of protein Jason had Emma chugging post-workout protein drinks. “Protein helps repair spent muscles, and it’s during that process that muscles get stronger and more defined. To reap these benefits, have a high-protein post-workout snack like Greek yoghurt or a low-sugar protein smoothie.

Do twice as much strength as cardio Emma did a lot of both – five days a week of strength training and two to three days of cardio. But what’s really important is the ratio, says Jason; two days of strength to one of cardio is a great start. “To build muscle, strength should be the foundation of your workouts,” he explains. “Keeping your muscles strong makes everything better.” Emma used the Versaclimb­er (an old-school climbing machine) for her 30-minute cardio sessions, but Jason also recommends something anyone can do with no equipment: good, old-fashioned running.

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