Go! Drive & Camp


- EDITOR schalk.jonker@media24.com

It’s July, and this deep winter we find ourselves in is unpleasant, to say the least. Yes, I know there are people who find the cold enchanting and wax lyrical about cosy campfires, a hot stew and a glass of decent red wine or glühwein, but I’m definitely not one of them. To me it verges on a human rights violation when the alarm sounds when it’s still pitch-black outside. And after hitting the snooze button twice, finally dragging myself out of bed and getting showered and dressed, I have the unenviable business of getting my seven-year-old daughter out of bed. It’s a thankless task, because how do you convince her that she’s going to be late for school if it’s obviously still dark outside? And then by the time you get home from work, it’s dark again. So no thanks, you can keep your fireplace, stew and glühwein. That game is not worth the candle. But, unfortunat­ely, that’s how it is for most of us. There is some relief, though, in the almost month-long school holiday during which you can escape to parts of the country where the weather gods are a bit more compassion­ate. The KwaZulu-Natal coast is one such place, and we gave Zigi the task of visiting three campsites in the Margate area. Here you can relax in your swimming costume, T-shirt and flip-flops and your kids can splash around in the waves, even in July and August. In a place like this the bitter cold Gauteng winter really feels like a lifetime away. The Wild Coast is another good winter destinatio­n to tackle with your off-roader, and we sent Evan north on the Wild Coast 4x4 Eco Trail to explore the area from Kei Mouth to Port St. Johns. He came back with loads of info on hidden beaches, back roads, nature reserves and coastal towns. So, don’t let the cold get you down. Hitch your caravan, pack your off-roader, and programme your GPS to take you in an easterly direction to the coast. Safe travels!

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