go! Platteland

This is how


Bend a wire hanger into a ring and wind green florist’s tape around it. Tie three longish lengths of twine to the ring, spacing the knots evenly. Tip If you prefer a more sturdy wreath, use a young vine shoot for the base.

Make a “sausage” with the Spanish moss and start looping it around the wire ring, tying it to the wire here and there with thin thread. Use enough moss to cover the wire completely. Tip If you can’t find Spanish moss you could use dodder, a twining parasitic plant.

Position the epiphytes onto the wreath until you are happy with the result. Then tie them to the wire ring securely, using thin thread. Work carefully, as epiphytes break easily. Keep these plants happy by spraying them lightly with water once a week.

Spray-paint the dried poppy flower heads gold or silver and leave them to dry. Stick them into the moss in random places until the wreath looks sufficient­ly festive for Christmas. Tip Dried pine cones or any interestin­glooking seed pods also work well.

Take the three twine ends, making sure they are of equal length, and tie together in a knot. Now hang your wreath from the hook you have already screwed in place.

Marissa is the owner of the florist’s shop Opus Studio in Woodstock, Cape Town. Go to opusstudio.co.za for more ideas or orders.

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