go! Platteland

Time to show off!


Fragrant sweet peas dressed in a rainbow of beautiful frocks give you the first clue that spring is on its way. Now’s the time to sow this darling of the spring garden. Marlaen Straathof (photo) from the Ball Straathof seed-and-seedling company shares her tips. Smaller but stronger “My favourites are the heirloom sweet peas from Kirchhoff’s. The flowers aren’t as large as those of the sweet peas we’re used to, but the heavenly aroma is noticeably stronger.” The right time and place “Sweet peas do well almost anywhere in South Africa but it’s important to take note of the right sowing times for different regions specified on the seed packets.” Sowing time “Sow in the middle of March, preferably. This might sound odd, as it would still be quite hot, but sweet peas need a long growing season and the heat helps with germinatio­n. This means your sweet peas will burst forth when it’s still cool and you can enjoy a long picking season.” First soften them “Soak sweet-pea seeds in lukewarm water before you sow. This rehydrates the seeds and starts germinatio­n. However, it isn’t essential to do this because the seeds will germinate well in moist, compost-enriched soil.” Offer nurturing “Sow the seeds about 1cm deep, cover with compost and water thoroughly. Snails love sweet-pea seedlings, so watch them carefully.” Quench their thirst “Ensure that sweet peas remain moist. and encourage flower developmen­t by removing dead flowers and seed pods.” Nip the tips “Encourage side shoots by often nipping the tips above two leaves. This creates a stronger, bushier plant – and the more side

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