Grocott's Mail

Dam murder case update


Accused in the Extension 6 dam murder case Thembani ‘Zion Eyes’ Onceya and his four co-accused briefly appeared in the Grahamstow­n Magistrate’s court today Monday 23 January and their case was postponed to 3 March. The other four accused are Akhona Onceya, Simamkele Onceya, Mzwanele Maki and Siviwe Qotholo.

The five were arrested in connection with the gruesome murder of Themebelan­i Qwakanisa in October last year. The body of the 29-year-old man was recovered from Zion Dam in Extension 6, wrapped in a carpet.

Thembani was the last to be arrested after he handed himself over to the police, saying that he knew nothing about Qwakanisa’s death. The 28-year-old former third-year Anthropolo­gy student at Rhodes University applied for bail last year. The court denied bail, stating that granting him bail might lead to public disturbanc­e and could compromise his well-being. It was stated at the time that there was evidence Onceya’s safety might be compromise­d should the court release him and his release would also undermine public confidence in the criminal justice system.

A source said Thembani had appealed his denial of bail by the magistrate’s court last year. The source said documents for the bail appeal were already in the high court in Grahamstow­n, having been sent there in December.

“It’s up to the high court now to decide if it is granting him the bail or not,” the source said. “If the high court grants Thembani bail then he will have to pay the amount that the high court will require and he will be released from prison.

“He is the only one of the five accused who has requested bail,” the source said. “If he is granted bail and pays the money, he will be free and will only appear on the dates set by the court.”

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