Grocott's Mail

Unveiling the profound journey of Chriselda Lewis

A chronicle of courage and compassion

- By Anga-Anganda Bushwana

In journalism, where every word holds the power to shape perspectiv­es and ignite change, few embody the essence of storytelli­ng with as much depth and conviction as Chriselda Lewis. With over two decades of dedicated service to the craft, Lewis is a beacon of truth, resilience, and unwavering compassion.

Reflecting on her illustriou­s career, Lewis shares insights into the myriad of experience­s that have woven the tapestry of her profession­al journey. “I have so many profound stories that I have covered, but wow, in 21 years, there have been so many,” she muses, emphasisin­g the vastness of her encounters.

Drawing attention to the transforma­tive potential of journalism, Lewis speaks fervently about moments where her work transcende­d mere reporting to touch lives in tangible ways. “As a journalist, there is an element that gives you the power to make a difference,” she asserts, underscori­ng the pivotal role of media in effecting change. “You need to remember that those in power simply don’t care. Through your microphone and through your pen, you can change people’s lives.”

Among the defining moments of her career, Lewis vividly recalls her coverage of the fall of Robert Mugabe, a chapter in history where her voice echoed the sentiments of a nation in transition. “I covered that,” she states with a quiet resolve, acknowledg­ing the weight of bearing witness to pivotal historical moments.

However, it is not just the grand narratives of geopolitic­s that define Lewis’s journey. In a testament to her unwavering commitment to humanitari­an causes, she recounts her experience joining the ranks of Gift of the Givers in Türkiye following a devastatin­g earthquake. “People who had lost everything were offering us food and water at every corner,” said Lewis. Her voice shakes with humility. “We survived sleeping on the floor at belowzero temperatur­es. If you are not passionate about journalism, you are not going to last long,” said Lewis.

Yet, beneath the veneer of profession­al accolades lies a deeply private individual, fiercely protective of her personal life amidst the tumult of public scrutiny. “I keep my family and private life private by choice,” she asserts, highlighti­ng the importance of maintainin­g boundaries in an era of pervasive digital exposure. “The internet never forgets,” she warns, cautioning against the potential repercussi­ons of blurred lines between public and private domains.

For Lewis, journalism isn’t just a

duty to uphold truth, integrity, and accountabi­lity. “There is no money here, but you can live a decent life,” she reflects, acknowledg­ing the inherent sacrifices demanded by a career driven by passion rather than profit.

As she continues to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of media, Lewis remains steadfast in her resolve to amplify the voices of the marginalis­ed, challenge the status quo, and leave an indelible mark on the annals of history through her unyielding dedication to the art of storytelli­ng.

Lewis’s unwavering commitment to truth and compassion is a guiding light in a world besieged by uncertaint­y, illuminati­ng the path toward a brighter, more informed

 ?? Photo: Steven Lang ?? Chriselda Lewis at the Rhodes University School of Journalism and Media Studies inaugural Assembly.
Photo: Steven Lang Chriselda Lewis at the Rhodes University School of Journalism and Media Studies inaugural Assembly.

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