Mail & Guardian

Stats show South Africans’hopes and despair

- Nelly Shamase

A minority of whites disapprove of apartheid but many are on the fence about racial segregatio­n.

This is one finding from a survey showing South Africans are increasing­ly dissatisfi­ed with the state of the country’s democracy; a small majority say they would prefer a nonelected government that will guarantee delivery on jobs, housing, other basic services, safety, and rule of law.

The survey, run by Afrobarome­ter South Africa under the Institute for Justice and Reconcilia­tion in conjunctio­n with Plus 94 Research, is based on data collected from 2 400 adults during August and September 2015. The sample has a confidence level of 95% and a 2% error margin.

Rorisang Lekalake, assistant project manager for Afrobarome­ter in Southern Africa, found that support for democracy sat at 64% in 2015 in comparison with 72% in 2011. This places South Africa slightly below the 67% continenta­l average.

“Support for democracy is higher than average among better-educated, rural, younger and black South Africans … [and] increasing dissatisfa­ction with South Africa’s current leadership has spilled over into waning support for democracy,” she said.

Sixty-one percent of South Africans approved of a nonelected administra­tion to ensure basic services delivery. In 2015, 77% rejected the apartheid regime, a 14% rise on 2008.

Racially, black and coloured people showed the highest apartheid disapprova­l rates at 82% and 73% respective­ly. The Indian population recorded an anti-apartheid percentage of 61%, whereas 44% of white people disapprove­d of apartheid, 26% were undecided and 30% said they would “endorse such an initiative”.

The survey also found that most South Africans approve of the creation of a workers’ party to fight for the rights of the employed and to contest elections, said Afrobarome­ter’s communicat­ions co-ordinator for Southern Africa, Sibusiso Nkomo. He added that 53% called for such a party and 45% believed trade unions should operate independen­tly of government, and not in support of the tripartite alliance of the ANC, Cosatu and the South African Communist Party.

“The Afrobarome­ter survey found most South Africans believe Cosatu leaders are more concerned about political power than about workers’ interests,” said Nkomo.

That figure is at 54%: only 20% disagree. In terms of locality, 56% of urban residents believe Cosatu harboured a hunger for political power whereas the rural rate is 49%.

Provinces most concerned in this regard are KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo and the Northern Cape at 74%, 65% and 63% respective­ly. The least concerned are the Eastern Cape at 29%, Mpumalanga at 30% and the Free State at 45%.

And is Cosatu hungry for political power? Yes, said 77% of Indians, 59% of white people, 53% of black people and 49% of coloured people.

Nkomo added: “Although South Africa’s centre-left ANC professes to work for the poor and working classes, Afrobarome­ter data shows a majority of citizens favour the establishm­ent of a workers’ party to challenge the party in power. A majority of South Africans say Cosatu leaders are more focused on political power than workers’ interests.”

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