Mail & Guardian

What I wish I had known about pregnancy and giving birth

- Kavuli Nyali

I gave birth to my first child, a beautiful baby boy, six months ago. I’m so excited to be a part of the “new mommy” club, but I’m giving a lot of people the side eye for not telling me the really important facts about pregnancy and childbirth.

I already knew that I should stay away from shellfish, keep a watch on my heart rate when exercising and not eat for two people.

But what about all the weird stuff that happens to your body? What about those incredibly strong emotions that you just can’t shake?

I decided to put together a short list of things that I would share with a pregnant woman who wanted my advice. or watch my nose spread from one side of my face to the other until a few weeks before I gave birth. I was cute and I was happy about this little man kicking inside my womb.

But more often than not, women may not be so damn excited and full of joy during their pregnancy. Many put a brave smile on their face and get on with life while being secretly miserable.

All pregnancie­s are different and some are incredibly difficult. It’s okay not to be ecstatic about your pregnancy. We know you love this little being growing inside you, but it’s hard carrying a child and you might just want this person out as soon as possible.

Ditch the guilt and be honest about your feelings. They are valid and perfectly natural. like Friday-night fun, right? Well, that’s what it feels like when your water breaks. It’s a slow and continuous trickle of fluid that doesn’t even come close to resembling a water balloon bursting on the ground.

It’s not dramatic at all, and it can be quite uneventful except for the whole looking-as-if-you-just-peedyourse­lf part. Believe it or not, when your doctor tells you that you can push, you will be so relieved. With every contractio­n that you have, all your body wants to do is push, but you can’t until the doctor deems it safe.

Contractio­ns are by far the hardest part of labour and they can last for hours on end. myself to squat, breathe and tough it out. I was going to push this baby through that birthing canal come hell or high water.

Well, the hell and the high water came when my midwife told me that my baby was in distress and I needed to have an emergency Caesarean. My heart dropped and I was devastated.

I ended up in a cold theatre room being cut open to save my life and that of my son. He wasn’t doing well at birth, so we were shuttled to different rooms to recover. I didn’t get to hold or meet my son for five long days. This left me feeling like a failure. Why couldn’t I bring my son into the world my way?

I was given a crash course in letting go. Everything won’t always go according to your plan, and you just have to trust the process.

Note: These opinions and observatio­ns are based solely on my personal birth experience and those of my close friends and family. Your own experience may be insurmount­ably worse or absolutely amazing. Take it in your stride.

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