Mail & Guardian

Academic research must add value to conservati­on

Research capacity developmen­t over the last 5-10 years

- Laing Geldenhuys

Professor Colleen Downs is passionate about research and conservati­on and believes that research must contribute to conservati­on. She sees her- self as “an academic who crosses the gap between academia and applied conservati­on”.

She is currently a university fellow and professor at the school of life sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermari­tzburg campus, and holds an NRF SARChI Research Chair in Ecosystem Health and Biodiversi­ty in KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape.

As a terrestria­l vertebrate biologist, with broad and interdisci- plinary research interests, she focuses on how land use and climate change influence the physiology and behaviour of birds, reptiles and mammals. Her other interests include science education and developing research capacity at undergradu­ate and postgradua­te levels.

During the past five years she has increased her research output and student supervisio­n. Downs and her students have made significan­t contributi­ons to understand­ing the physiology, ecology, behaviour and conservati­on of a range of southern African terrestria­l vertebrate species. They have shown how some of these species have different physiologi­cal and behavioura­l responses to changing environmen­tal variables (compared with northern hemisphere species, where prior research is focused).

“For two decades I have highlighte­d the plight of South Africa’s only endemic parrot, the Cape Parrot,” says Downs, who has integrated the research findings on many rare and threatened species, including the Blue Swallow and Nile Crocodile. She has coordinate­d academic research and citizen science programmes and overseen and contribute­d to management plan developmen­ts, Convention on Internatio­nal Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora listings, and more practical conservati­on programmes. “I want academic research to add value to conservati­on beyond peer-reviewed publicatio­ns,” she says.

The research is done within theoretica­l frameworks, but some aspects of the research were initiated in response to specific needs, in conjunctio­n with local wildlife authoritie­s and municipali­ties.

Depending on research project specifics, there are lab trials, field research and pilot studies to ensure the efficacy of research methods. The professor and her team use the latest research equipment such as: ibuttons (electronic monitoring chips); thermal cameras for body temperatur­e monitoring; camera traps for habitat use, population estimates and detailed diet studies; GPS-cell transmitte­rs for detailed movement, home range and habitat studies; and blood samples as indicators of body condition, disease and genetics.

Downs says that the focus is on publishing in internatio­nal peerreview­ed journals. This raises the value of the peer-reviewed work, the institutio­n’s scientific profile, ensures the competitiv­eness of students, provides feedback to stakeholde­rs, and raises the profile of individual conservati­on projects.

Projects contribute to students’ postgradua­te degrees, and as part of degree fulfilment, each project must incorporat­e novel research to increase the overall body of knowledge. “Our research has both theoretica­l as well as practical implicatio­ns,” says Downs.

She notes that they are breaking ground with innovative research in the urban ecology field, use of occupancy modelling and leading the way in Africa in these developing fields.

The research findings are incorporat­ed into: Protected Area Management and extension plans on a provincial government­al level; town planning and green space developmen­t for metropolit­ans and municipali­ties; and individual threatened species action plans and South African Red List Assessment­s.

“All contribute to the Internatio­nal Biodiversi­ty targets, of which South Africa is a ratified signatory,” says Downs.

 ??  ?? Professor Colleen Downs, fellow and professor at the University of KwaZulu-Natal’s school of life sciences.
Professor Colleen Downs, fellow and professor at the University of KwaZulu-Natal’s school of life sciences.

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