Mail & Guardian

Cutting-edge nanotechno­logy innovation­s that impact people’s lives

NSTF-Water Research Commission Award for sustainabl­e water management, knowledge generation and solutions

- Laing Geldenhuys

Professor Bhekie Mamba is the executive dean of the college of science, engineerin­g and technology at Unisa. His research has led to the creation of new nanotechno­logy-based systems to tackle major challenges in sustainabl­y providing safe and clean water to disadvanta­ged communitie­s.

This is a long-term project that took off in earnest in 2002. Enrolment of postgradua­te students at MSc and PhD level marked the birth of the Water Research Group. Initially the project focused on the synthesis of nanomateri­als and nanoporous polymers for the removal of organic and inorganic contaminan­ts from water.

“This type of project and research requires multidisci­plinary input,” says Mamba. “That’s why the students involved are not just chemists, but also physicists and engineers.”

Positive outcomes began to emerge in 2005 with research papers appearing in internatio­nal journals. Nationally, the project received further funding averaging R2.5million per annum, for three years (2010-2012).

Community engagement­s programmes have started in Mpumalanga. A prototype solarpower­ed membrane filtration system is already being tested for possible full-scale implementa­tion.

“Despite our achievemen­ts, we need social scientists to help us change people’s attitude about how precious water really is,” says Mamba. “Scientists are really good at communicat­ing with each other, but we need the social scientists to communicat­e with the broader public. The general public often doesn’t realise that the combinatio­n of a growing population and climate change will have a severe impact on our already limited water supply.”

Effective and strategic collaborat­ions with world-class researcher­s at institutio­ns in India, Netherland­s, Israel, UK, US, Belgium, South Korea, Singapore and Swaziland have added an internatio­nal flair to the project. These collaborat­ions involved mainly master’s and PhD student exchange programmes and co-supervisio­n. It greatly enhanced the generation of new and innovative ideas for prototype developmen­t, patenting of research findings, and co-publishing in high impact journals.

Recently, a research unit dedicated to nanotechno­logy and water sus- tainabilit­y was establishe­d at Unisa to spearhead research projects on water and sustainabi­lity. The main focus is to create prototypes for alleviatin­g potable water shortages in rural communitie­s. The ongoing projects in this unit continue those initiated by Mamba.

“Nanotechno­logy has emerged as one of the most promising technologi­es in solving some of the planetary environmen­tal challenges,” says Mamba. The professor and his team have created several types of polymers in different forms, such as packed granules and films. These are over 99% efficient for the removal of polluting organic species, even when present in parts per billion levels.

Through years of dedicated research on nanotechno­logy and water sustainabi­lity, a number of innovation­s beneficial to the marginalis­ed communitie­s of South Africa have emerged. The Silver Impregnate­d Porous Pot (SIPP) filter, for the production of safe drinking water at a household level, is used for wastewater treatment.

The device is now being used in Mpumalanga and Limpopo. “Provision of clean water to communitie­s has a positive impact on health and sanitation, as well as people’s livelihood­s,” says Mamba.

“Since the SIPP device is cheap, reusable and can be readily made from locally available materials, its applicatio­n is economical­ly viable and sustainabl­e. Nanotechno­logybased solutions are envisaged to be able to provide clean drinking water in very remote regions of the country.”

 ??  ?? Professor Bhekie Mamba is the executive dean of Unisa’s college of science, engineerin­g and technology.
Professor Bhekie Mamba is the executive dean of Unisa’s college of science, engineerin­g and technology.

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