Mail & Guardian

God not to blame for corruption


“Juju and the profits of Doom” by Shaun de Waal (February 1) belittles God and all those, such as myself, who believe and follow after God.

I understand the author’s desire to point out the hypocrisy of those who claim to follow Christ when their actions are so clearly anything but Christlike. This has always been a challenge for those Christians who deeply love Christ and strive to be truly Christlike. We are painted with the same judgmental brush. We can bear that prejudice.

Yet the article goes too far in ascribing evil to God, as it does when it ends by saying “Praise God”. I find it deeply offensive believing, as I and millions of others do, that God is not the author of evil.

In our view God is the suffering servant who came to take away the sins of the world. He is anything but unjust and we treasure everything to do with Him.

This country still identifies as largely believing in God, at least according to Statistics South Africa, and the Mail & Guardian should understand that, when you disrespect God, you disrespect many of your most ardent supporters.

By all means point out the corruption, but please don’t lay the blame at God’s door. — Stephen Logan

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