Popular Mechanics (South Africa)

The new cradle

For the first time in a millennium, the cradle is changing


Not since Mary ingeniousl­y upcycled a manger, or Moses drifted down the river Nile in a basket woven from reeds, has the cradle had such significan­ce.

SNOO is a collaborat­ive effort between Happiest Baby – a company started by paediatric­ian and child developmen­t specialist Dr Harvey Karp – and Yves Behar, founder and principal designer at fuseprojec­t, to create the world’s smartest and safest baby bed. This intelligen­t cradle responds to unhappy babies by gently moving at a rhythm that mimics the movement babies feel in the womb. The movements, coupled with comforting shushing sounds, are said to promote the infants’ sleep. Dr Karp says SNOO’S effect on babies can be seen within days: babies become better sleepers. Even better: parents get much-needed rest.

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