Popular Mechanics (South Africa)




I’D TRIED TO cut my own hair a few times before, both to save cash and to learn a useful skill. The results were always bad enough that the barber I would finally visit usually asked, unprompted, “Did you do this yourself?” This time, instead of relying on Youtube, I got help from Mike Martinez, a stylist and instructor.


I moistened my hair with a spray bottle, then dragged the corner of the comb from my right eyebrow to my crown to create a lengthwise part. After clipping the hair above the part out of the way, you attack your hair in quadrants [Fig. A]. Sides first, then back, then top. For a longer cut, you use your fingers to hold the hair off your head, and with scissors cut anything that sticks out [Fig. B]. I chose the easier way: slide a comb up through your hair, then run clippers over the comb. Move towards the back of your head in sections about the width of a bookmark, slightly overlappin­g to be sure you’re cutting to the same length. Working backwards in the mirror was hard, but after a few tries I figured it out. If you keep some length between the comb and your scalp, you can avoid accidental divots, like the two I gave myself.

The back of my head, surprising­ly, was the easiest part. I went completely by feel. Where my hair felt too long, I placed the comb using my fingers as my guide, and ran the clippers across it [Fig. C]. Finally, I’d tug down on each ear and cover it with my palm while using the clippers or scissors. Since hair creeping over my ears is the first point at which I look scraggly, I plan to use that particular technique from now on to buy time between profession­al cuts. Martinez suggested a different method for the top of my head: with my thumb and forefinger I twisted locks of hair into spirals [Fig. D]. Cut at a slight angle, just above where you’re holding your hair. This gives your cut texture, rather than having the uniform length of Astro Turf.

Halfway through, I swapped my department-store scissors for Martinez’s R8 500 Japanese-made shears. They were so much smoother. They were also so sharp that, while trying to trim the top, I cut my knuckles and had to tape them up. At this point, about a half hour in, I got the hang of it. I started enjoying the visible before and after, a similar satisfacti­on you get from building something. The taper from the top to the sides will take more practice, but the fact that the final result didn’t look postloboto­my made me proud.

2. 3. 5.

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