


ARIES: (Mesha) (Mar 21 – Apr 21)

Make communicat­ion your key to success. An air of co-operation exists and your personal relationsh­ips ought to run smoothly. You may expect interviews and appointmen­ts to pan out well. Well-worded appeals will swiftly bear fruit. (Phone 083 914 0701, SMS ARI to 35655). Tokens: cream / M& O / 8 & 9

TAURUS: (Rishaha) (Apr 21 –

May 21)

A sudden inspiratio­n could enrich you and your closest relatives. Good rapport with others in your home will enable you to settle many issues satisfacto­rily. Talk to your local authority immediatel­y if you need to get its co-operation. (Phone 083 914 0702, SMS TAU to 35655). Tokens: gold / N& P / 1 & 5

GEMINI: (Mithura) (May 21 –

Jun 22)

A welcome increase in social activity is indicated, provided you spruce up your appearance and visit new scenes. This period could even signify the opening of new romantic opportunit­ies. Love, peace and prosperity stem from a new union. (Phone 083 914 0703, SMS GEM to 35655). Tokens: green / Q& R / 6 & 7

CANCER: (Karakata) (Jun 22 –

Jul 23)

Be prepared to take a few chances during this promising period. You should get at least one fine opportunit­y to raise your income. Dedicated endeavours will reap worthy rewards if you also catch the eyes of your bosses. (Phone 083 914 0704, SMS CAN to 35655). Tokens: lemon / T& U / 2 & 3

LEO: (Simha) (Jul 23 – Aug 24)

Give more attention to your intimate relationsh­ip. Cultivate a more caring and loving manner otherwise it is liable to turn platonic and that could spell the beginning of the end. Refresh your union with thoughtful gestures and treats. (Phone 083 914 0705. SMS LEO to 35655). Tokens: maroon / S& V / 4 & 8

VIRGO: (Kanya) (Aug 24 – Sep 23)

Be alive to whatever goes on around you and look behind the scenes as well. Chances are you will discover useful knowledge or will uncover a secret that clears up a puzzle. An improvemen­t in your affairs is imminent. (Phone 083 914 0706, SMS VIR to 35655). Tokens: pink / W& Y / 1 & 9

LIBRA: (Thula) (Sep 23 – Oct 23)

You have important things to think about and will realise that changes must be made to get ahead in a certain area of your life. A new contact or experience should give a fresh slant on the future and what action to install. (Phone 083 914 0707, SMS LIB to 35655). Tokens: orange / E& G / 5 & 6

SCORPIO: (Vrischika) (Oct 23 -

Nov 23)

An opportunit­y for career advancemen­t in your current employment could arise – or you may come across a job vacancy that is worthy of your considerat­ion. You should manage to conduct successful negotiatio­ns with top people in business. (Phone 083 914 0708, SMS SCO to 35655). Tokens: red / F& H / 2 & 7


(Nov 23 – Dec 22)

Social happiness, and even romantic success, is now possible. You can attain a notable position as well as a good reputation through your own efforts. People react positively to your friendly approach. New friendship­s prove beneficial. (Phone 083 914 0709, SMS SAG to 35655). Tokens: silver / C& I / 3 & 4


(Dec 22 – Jan 21)

Personal issues are currently highlighte­d. Start by improving your ethical and moral values. Put on a brave face if you have a distressin­g situation to sort out. Courage is a winning trait at any time, especially now. (Phone 083 914 0710, SMS CAP to 35655). Tokens: violet / D& J / 1 & 8

AQUARIUS: (Kumbha) (Jan 21 - Feb 20)

Because you are in a positive mood and well-imbued with energy; and since the world is now your personal stage so to say, you can make your mark admirably. Seize the initiative for others will readily permit you to direct operations. (Phone 083 914 0711, SMS AQU to 35655). Tokens: blue / B& K / 5 & 9

PISCES: (Meena) (Feb 20 – Mar 21)

Demonstrat­e your practicali­ty and usefulness. Thought and action that is both basic and methodical augurs well for the successful completion of your duties and tasks. Calm and consistent applicatio­n of determinat­ion proves beneficial. (Phone 083 914 0712, SMS PIS to 35655). Tokens: bronze / A& L / 2 & 6

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