
Local sports festival a massive success


THE Phoenix Sports Festival concluded on Sunday at the Rydalvale Sports ground with the cross country race and various code finals bringing the curtains down on the month-long programme.

The initiative was started by the Phoenix Community Centre three years ago. Spokeswoma­n for the festival Charmaine Naidoo said this year’s sports festival was the biggest yet. “We had over 10 000 participan­ts take part at this year’s festival. The finals in eleven sporting codes were played over the weekend, lending credibilit­y to the tournament being deemed a festival,” said Naidoo.

She added that the sports festival catered for children from as young as 3 to seniors who actively participat­ed in the various sports. Soccer, was the largest code with 8 500 participan­ts, followed by cricket, having 380 players, karate chipped in with 450, netball, volleyball, chess and debating sessions made up the rest of the participan­ts with crèche sport attracting 150 young children. “Golden Games had 100 participan­ts while 600 took part in the cross country races with 500 runners hitting the road in the 10 km road race,” she said.

Naidoo said the games were played in a spirit of competitiv­eness and fair play, with the festival committee very pleased with the outcomes achieved at this year’s sports festival.

“The festival progressed without any major injuries and problems.We want to place on record our sincere gratitude and appreciati­on to all our participan­ts, the parents, community, sport administra­tors and officials, our partners, sponsors and donors,” she said.

The festival closed with a prize-giving ceremony at 5pm on Sunday.

 ??  ?? Above: Action from the netball final that took place at the Rydalvale Sports Ground on Sunday. Left: Convener of the Phoenix Sports Festival Sham Maharaj presents a prize to the junior winner of the 10 km race.
Above: Action from the netball final that took place at the Rydalvale Sports Ground on Sunday. Left: Convener of the Phoenix Sports Festival Sham Maharaj presents a prize to the junior winner of the 10 km race.
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