
India opens first partition museum


N THE 70 years since India and Pakistan were created from the former British Empire, there has never been a venue focused on the stories and memorabili­a of those who survived that chaotic and bloody chapter in history – until now.

A new museum on the Partition of the Indian subcontine­nt opens this week, as the two South Asian giants mark seven decades as independen­t nations.

“If you look at any other country in the world, they’ve all memorialis­ed the experience­s that have defined and shaped them,” said museum chief executive Mallika Ahluwalia. “Yet this event that has so deeply shaped not only our subcontine­nt but millions of individual­s who were impacted has had no museum or memorial 70 years later.”

The exhibition­s, housed in the red-brick Town Hall building in the north Indian border city of Amritsar, include photograph­s, newspaper clippings and personal items to tell the story of how the region’s struggle for freedom from colonial rule turned into one of its most violent episodes, as communal clashes left hundreds of thousands of Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs dead and another 15 million displaced from their ancestral homes.

There’s an antique pocket watch that belonged to someone killed in mob violence in Pakistan, woven fabrics from craftsmen of the time, a traditiona­l rope cot carried by a refugee across the border and many old black-and-white family snapshots.

Screens show video interviews with the now-elderly survivors.

The last of the museum’s 14 galleries is called the Gallery of Hope, where visitors are invited to scribble messages of love and peace on leaf-shaped papers before hanging them on a barbed-wire tree.

The idea is to have visitors take part in the “greening” of the tree and to think of peace and reconcilia­tion between the torn nations.

“You end up feeling so grateful to that generation who helped rebuild the nation, despite having suffered such trauma,” Ahluwalia said.

She wanted to create the museum after years of hearing her 83-year-old grandmothe­r’s tales of the subcontine­nt before it was divided, before she had to flee her Pakistani home as a 13-year-old.

“What must it have felt like for her to one day come from a relatively affluent family, have a normal background and the next day all you have left is a small suitcase?”

The experience led her to believe it was important to set up the museum, “especially as we saw that generation leaving us”. The fact that it would be India’s first Partition museum made it even more crucial.

While the bloody events of Partition became a foundation­al part of India’s history and identity, sparking countless works of art, literature and film, there has been no official expression of regret, and India’s leaders have been cautious in mentioning the communal violence that coincided with the country’s earliest days.

There are no memorials to those who perished.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday made no mention of Partition while regaling freedom fighters in his annual Independen­ce Day speech to the nation.

Sociologis­t Shiv Visvanatha­n suggested the topic has been too painful for many to dwell on, and that reconcilia­tion would need to be two-sided to work. Even the museum, he said, should reflect realities on both sides.

“If a nation-state becomes the repository of memory, it becomes a one-sided memory,” Visvanatha­n said.

“We have to acknowledg­e the mutuality of violence. There is no one truth; no one victim.”

The museum isin the heart of Amritsar, best known for its famed Sikh Golden Temple, because the Punjabi city was one of the first points of arrival for millions of refugees to India.

Dozens of people donated items to the museum, including 81-year-old Sohinder Nath Chopra, who included an autobiogra­phical novel set in his old village near Gujranwala in Pakistan.

His family had been warned by a Muslim cleric to flee the village as weaponised mobs went on killing sprees against Hindus and Sikhs in the newly declared Islamic republic.

He was 12 as they crossed the border into India, and remembers “big arches welcoming the refugees”.

“Hindi film songs were being played loudly,” Chopra said. “There were people standing on both sides, holding bread, vegetables, water. And everybody started crying.”

 ??  ?? Museum chief executive Mallika Ahluwalia looks at a steel trunk that was among some of the items donated by the relative of a person who had migrated to India during partition in 1947.
Museum chief executive Mallika Ahluwalia looks at a steel trunk that was among some of the items donated by the relative of a person who had migrated to India during partition in 1947.
 ??  ?? A worker sorts through photograph­s, newspaper clippings, and other material that will cover the walls at the Partition Museum.
A worker sorts through photograph­s, newspaper clippings, and other material that will cover the walls at the Partition Museum.
 ??  ?? The antique pocket watch was donated by the son of Pandit Devi Dass, who was killed in mob violence in Pakistan.
The antique pocket watch was donated by the son of Pandit Devi Dass, who was killed in mob violence in Pakistan.

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