
The scent of drugs, bombs and bodies


CONTRARY to what many may think, police dogs have core functions.

A narcotics dog, for example, cannot be taken to a crime scene where an explosive was detonated and be expected to sniff out the source and, by the same token, the reversal of roles will not work either.

Below is a list of the discipline­s these dogs have and the types of work they are used for:

Patrol Dogs: Known as the backbone of the unit, these dogs are specifical­ly trained to assist police and other law enforcemen­t officials. They can be used to guard critical infrastruc­ture or provide personal protection. They are often used at robberies, break-ins and theft cases.

Narcotics Detection Dogs: These are the most effective as they will pick up a scent before their human partners can find the crime scene. They are highly trained and can detect a variety of substances, including heroine, cocaine, ecstasy and marijuana. They are taken on raids at schools, airports, warehouses and stadiums.

Explosives Detection Dogs: They are trained to detect the source of resources used to make an explosive device. These dogs can show their handlers the spot an explosion was started and can indicate the materials used. They also detect firearms and ammunition.

Arson Dogs: They are used to detect fires and the materials used to start the fire. The dogs are taken to most crime scenes where a fire was started.

Currency Dog: The only currency dog in the province, Erica, is housed in this unit. She sniffs out hidden money (South African and foreign currency) and shows her handler where it can be found, even if hidden. Erica has won numerous awards and medals for recovering thousands of rand.

Search and Rescue Dogs: These are not housed at the unit. They are used on water to detect if anyone has drowned or if someone or something is hidden. These dogs can sniff the scent of a person via the chemicals and toxins released by the body once decomposit­ion begins. They immediatel­y alert their handlers and the body is recovered. They can be used in rivers, lakes and out at sea.

Bodily Fluid Dogs: These dogs are used to help detectives investigat­e crime scenes. These hounds trace blood and semen, which helps to reveal the culprit or person involved. Usually Border Collies, Labradors and sometimes German Shepherds are used for this type of investigat­ions.

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