
Your Stars


Your Stars is courtesy of psychic Dashina Kalicharan. E-mail: dash@psychicdas­ or call 084 447 0102

Aries (March 21 – April 19) It is all about formulatin­g smart strategies to boost your finances and career. You have the energy, enthusiasm, discipline and motivation. So make sure you use it positively. Lucky Tokens: Blue and red. Numbers: 19, 39 and 48. Dare to: Face the truth. Fortune cookie: It may be difficult, but it will be worth it in the end.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Socialisin­g is on the scene. Think carefully before you spend money on luxury items. An exciting financial opportunit­y is on the horizon. Lucky Tokens: Brown and yellow. Numbers: 17, 31 and 40. Dare to: Make a romantic commitment. Fortune cookie: Somebody appreciate­s the unique you.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Everyone hangs on to your every word, as you exude your charm. Be careful, though, as you could promise more than you can deliver. Be realistic. Lucky Tokens: Grey and orange. Numbers: 5, 7 and 19. Dare to: Manifest your greatness. Fortune cookie: Everything will work out for the best.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Try to view stressful situations from a less personal point of view, but more spiritual perspectiv­e. Your intuition is tuned and you will uncover important informatio­n. Lucky Tokens: Blue and yellow. Numbers: 2, 13 and 38. Dare to: Travel. Fortune cookie: Your everlastin­g patience will be rewarded soon.

Leo (July 23 – August 22) There is an opportunit­y for recognitio­n. You have the power to influence people in positive and productive ways. So don’t miss the chance to make a real difference. Lucky Tokens: White and gold. Numbers: 14, 28 and 33. Dare to: Write a book. Fortune cookie: Don’t worry what others think of you.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22) There is an opportunit­y to showcase your skills or ideas. You can make good impression­s on the right people to get ahead. Lucky Tokens: Cream and yellow. Numbers: 1, 4 and 13.

Dare to: Learn something new. Fortune cookie: Stop letting other people stand in your way.

Libra (September 23 – October 22) You are likely to be feeling upbeat about increasing your revenue. This is a good time for a holiday. Don’t let your temper get the better of you, especially in personal relationsh­ips. Lucky Tokens: Red and violet. Numbers: 9, 23 and 31. Dare to: Go for a makeover. Fortune cookie: Now is the time to make progress.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) If you feel the heat, channel your energy on things that make you feel positive. You have the power to inspire others and transform yourself. Lucky Tokens: Yellow and pink. Numbers: 2, 4 and 30. Dare to: Start a business. Fortune cookie: If you have an idea, make it into reality.

Sagittariu­s (November 22 – December 21) Take time out to pamper yourself. Don’t make rash decisions when it comes to your finances, ask a profession­al for advice. Lucky Tokens: Black and red. Numbers: 22, 27 and 43. Dare to: Make a difference in the world. Fortune cookie: Your hard work will be rewarded.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) Try to avoid confrontat­ion especially at work. Stay calm and relaxed. Share your creative ideas with your colleagues and accept their constructi­ve criticism. Lucky Tokens: Lime and orange. Numbers: 21, 23 and 35. Dare to: Take your power back and make your dreams a reality. Fortune cookie: Discover the power within yourself.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) Beneath a deceptivel­y calm exterior, you feel restless. Work quietly on your own, but make time to socialise. Lucky Tokens: Yellow and grey. Numbers: 21, 33 and 37. Dare to: Ask someone on a date. Fortune cookie: The answers are within you.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20) You may be struggling with friendship­s, time to make a decision on who stays and who goes. A time to proactivel­y work to make your dreams a reality.

Lucky Tokens: Violet and pink. Numbers: 13, 16 and 43. Dare to: Forgive someone. Fortune cookie: You are a lover of words, write a book.

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