
Constructi­on of Durban church under way


AT A staggering estimated cost of R100 million, a new Durban Christian Centre Jesus Dome is expected to rise from the ashes of the iconic structure that burnt down two years ago.

Constructi­on was under way and the church was expected to be completed towards the end of next year, spokesman Ron Steel told

The new building will seat 3000 congregant­s.

Steel said once the arches were up, work would then start on the main building.

The church burnt down on June 7, 2016, after an electrical fault.

Steel said it was believed that the illuminate­d cross at the top of the building had short-circuited because of several power outages that day, and the sparks had fallen into the auditorium.

For the past two years, services have been held in a building next to the church.

Steel said despite the challenges, Pastor John Torrens and his wife, Joy, were overwhelme­d with the support from congregant­s for their fund-raising initiative­s.

In one initiative, people can buy bricks at R200 each which will be used to build the church.

He said the aim was 30 000 bricks, and so far they had reached 10 000.

The new building would also house a Sunday school children’s church as well as a fellowship centre and food hall.

 ??  ?? An artist’s impression of the R100m church.
An artist’s impression of the R100m church.

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