
Following her tasteful passion


POST will publish an 8 page Shoprite Eid recipe supplement on May 30 featuring Sayed’s new and popular recipes. Be sure to mark this date on your calendar and grab a copy.

WHAT started out as a fun time posting her daily home-made meals on social media, soon turned into a business for an Umzinto mother, who was encouraged to compile a recipe book in 2016.

Two years later and Jameela Sayed has already released three recipe books in her Cooking and Baking Creations collection.

The 44-year-old said social media users motivated her to explore her hidden talents.

“This was something new to me as I was initially a dressmaker for many years but I found there was a public demand for a compilatio­n of my easy to follow flop-proof recipes,” said Sayed.

“After all those years of hard work and sacrifice of being a dressmaker, I handed over the business I started to my son two years ago and this gave me sufficient time to stay at home and indulge in my childhood passions, cooking and baking,” said the mother-of-three.

It was during this time that Sayed began posting pictures of the daily meals she prepared on Facebook.

“I received countless messages from people asking for the recipes, so after a while I decided to create my own recipe page, Cooking and Baking Creations by Jameela Sayed. It was a group where I could interact with other food lovers and we could share our recipes and tips.

“Once the page was created in 2016, I was bombarded with message requests and phone calls. People were so excited and kept telling me I need to develop my own recipe book. “At first I did not pay heed to the idea, as I did not think it would be possible. I did not know were I would even start,” she said.

After much research Sayed decided to take the leap.

“I recalled there being a group of mothers who had developed a recipe book to raise funds for their children’s school. I contacted them and they assisted me with the people I should contact. In September that year the first 76 page book was released. Volume 1 took the food world by storm and we sold all 2 000 copies in just two weeks. There was such a great demand that we had to do a reprint. Shortly after the first book, people kept asking when is the next one coming out. I was blown away.”

In April 2017, Sayed released the second volume, selling over 6 000 copies in six months and, following demand, Volume 3 was launched in April this year.

“This has been one of the most exhilarati­ng parts of my life’s journey so far. My idea is to now inspire everyone to try their hand at creating indulgent dishes, from home-made breads to wholesome main meals and delectable sweet dishes, quickly and easily.

“I am constantly inundated with compliment­s on how the books have transforme­d the lives, abilities and confidence of many people and created a passion for the kitchen.”

Sayed received the Women of Wonder Award in 2017, a national award presented to a few chosen women selected out of 2 000 nominees, who have made a considerab­le difference in the lives of ordinary people. “I firmly believe that you are never too young or old, educated or uneducated to follow your passions and dreams, and make a difference to the world. For me this is a dream come true, especially since I have come so far without any academic qualificat­ions.”

She has already started

preparing savouries, including samoosas, pies and spring rolls, as well as haleem (stew), which she distribute­s among family and neighbours every Sunday.

“My haleem recipe is popular and everyone waits for me to make it. For Eid, which is always special in my home, I will be making a Kashmiri chicken with roti, prawns with various sides and the theme for dessert this year is rose and pistachios.” Follow Sayed on Instagram@ cooking and baking creations

 ?? PICTURE: DELOSHA PADAYACHEE ?? Author of the Cooking and Baking Creations collection,
Jameela Sayed.
PICTURE: DELOSHA PADAYACHEE Author of the Cooking and Baking Creations collection, Jameela Sayed.

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