
SA society sets sights on breaking star-gazer record


THE Astronomic­al Society of Southern Africa (Assa) is attempting to break a Guinness World Record on Friday, at the Durban Botanic Gardens.

More than 2 000 people will attempt to break a world record for the largest number of star gazers assembled in one place to watch the stars together.

The current record holder is the Canberra Astronomic­al Society at the Mount Stromlo Observator­y in Australia, which drew 1 869 people.

Assa media director Logan Govender was confident that Durban had the potential to break that record.

“From the support that we get from the Durban public for our other events, I feel we have good reason to believe that we will break the record,” he said.

This is an attempt to show people how easy it is to find their way around the sky. Assa has a method of teaching people to identify 200 night-sky objects in just 40 minutes.

“We would like to change the belief that astronomy is the preserve of scientists and mathematic­ians, and will have a number of telescopes, each focused on a different object.”

The public is invited to spread out a blanket on the lawns of the garden, bring food and drink and enjoy this spectacle in safety.

It is important to bring along a pair of binoculars to be included in the count. Telescopes, spotting scopes, cameras with telephoto lenses, opera glasses, even toy binoculars will also be accepted.

The event will start after sunset and the official count will commence at 7.30pm.

“Please join us and become a part of history,” Govender said. Ample secure parking has been arranged.

For enquiries, call Logan Govender on 083 228 6993.

 ?? PICTURE: DAVE ELINGER ?? Assa media director Logan Govender and member Navi Naidoo.
PICTURE: DAVE ELINGER Assa media director Logan Govender and member Navi Naidoo.

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