
Premier slams anti-Indian FB post


POLICE say investigat­ions are at a “sensitive stage” regarding an anti-Indian Facebook post made using an apparently fake account.

Community activist Visvin Reddy has asked police to open a case of crimen injuria against the Facebook user, who went by the name Nkuleko Mkhize.

The post called for “Indians to go back to India” or they will be killed, “like that girl shot in Chatsworth”.

Last week a 9-year-old Shallcross girl was shot in a hijacking.

Three posts were made by the user, one reading: “A new day after expropriat­ion of land without compensati­on ‘kay’!’. ‘I think its time to show Indians that they are not welcomed here in KZN.”

Outraged social media users immediatel­y screen grabbed the comments and shared the post, calling for action.

Reddy warned that people should not fall into the trap of spreading racial tension.

“We need to maintain a harmonious relationsh­ip between black and Indian people. Prior to 1994, everyone fought hand in hand to fight apartheid. We must make sure this is not the work of mischievou­s people who want to create racial discord.”

Police spokespers­on Captain Nqobile Gwala confirmed that a case of crimen injuria was being investigat­ed by Malvern SAPS, but said nothing more could be said at this stage. She, however, confirmed that no arrests have been made yet.

KZN Premier Willies Mchunu has since condemned the racial post, calling it “callous content”. Steps are under way to identify the perpetrato­r and do the necessary to prosecute the person/s involved”, he said.

“We also urge our citizens to desist from circulatin­g divisive messages on social media. Fake news, in particular, serves only to destabilis­e our society.

“Across all our communitie­s we must constantly work to deepen non-racialism, build unity and fight crime. We must not allow a small, destructiv­e element to divide our communitie­s.”

ANC KZN Provincial Task Team co-ordinator Sihle Zikalala described the post as reckless and despicable, while MF councillor Jonathan Annipen said he had complained to the South African Human Rights Commission.

“Mkhize’s utterances are evidently racist and incite racial intoleranc­e and bloodshed,” Annipen said.

“It is my opinion the Human Rights Commission should investigat­e this matter, and the actions of Nkuleko Mkhize, and take the necessary action.”

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