Saturday Star

Beauty comes from heart for SA’s top hottie


COURTNEY Cousins, the Cape Town-based fashion designer and model, has been named South Africa’s hottest woman.

She will be crowned tonight at the Maxim Hot 100 party at the VIP Room in Joburg. In an exclusive interview this week Cousins spoke about valuing inner-beauty.

How does it feel to be recognised as the country’s most beautiful woman?

Beauty has never been my main priority. What’s inside your soul and heart is the most important thing. I’m definitely not the most beautiful woman in South Africa but I am extremely grateful for the title.

It can’t be easy looking good all the time. Can you give us an idea of the lifestyle you lead?

I try to train first thing in the morning. I strongly believe balance is the most important thing. If you train in the morning, make sure you have some fun at night. If you eat well in the week, have a cheat meal at the weekend.

What are your culinary guilty pleasures?

Sushi! Sushi! Sushi! And red velvet cake!

What beauty tips do you swear by?

Always wear mascara and never sleep with your make-up on.

What was your first photo shoot like? Were you nervous or shy?

I was nervous! It was an opportunit­y of a lifetime and I couldn’t ask for a better experience, so I wanted to do well.

What did your parents first think of you being a model? Were they supportive?

They are supportive in everything I do. They just want me to happy.

Have your looks ever got you out of a traffic fine?

Thank goodness I’ ve never got one.

Ugly and live forever, or attractive and die in a year?

I would say ugly and live forever. It doesn’t matter what you look like because confidence starts within.

If you could have personally witnessed anything, what would you have wanted to see?

Princess Diana inspiring the world as she did.

If you could wake up tomorrow morning in the body of someone else, who would you pick and why?

Megan Fox. Celebs of her stature can bring about so much change, and I’d love to witness that.

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