Saturday Star

Starve amoral advertiser­s of lucrative air time

How marketers target poor illiterate people


FOOD advertisin­g strongly influences the eating choices of adults, adolescent­s and children alike.

But TV and magazine adverts often carry misleading health and nutrition claims. Advertiser­s use persuasive techniques to entice vulnerable viewers who can’t make informed decisions about the products they buy.

Our study looked at how different groups in South Africa were exposed to food advertisin­g in magazines.

We found that more than half of the adverts in magazines that primarily target poor, black people were for unhealthy and starchy foods.

Affluent, non-black groups were shown slimming foods and dietary supplement­s.

Adverts also made false claims about foods being healthy. The problem with these adverts is they target vulnerable viewers who are not as educated about healthy food and take these claims at face value.

When they buy and consume these products, it puts them at risk of developing lifestyle diseases or non-communicab­le diseases such as obesity.

Food-related adverts have been implicated in the increase of overweight and obese people in South Africa in two ways.

Firstly, adver t i sers push unhealthy food. One study found that at least half of food adverts on the most popular channels were for desserts and sweets, fast foods, hot beverages, starchy foods and sweetened drinks. Another found that about 55% of TV adverts were for fast foods and foods of poor nutritiona­l value.

These were aired during family viewing time when both adults and children were watching TV. It is also notable that 67% of alcohol ads were shown during this time.

Secondly, ads often make false health claims. About 11% of TV adverts claimed that products enhanced well-being, improved perfor mance, boosted energy, strengthen­ed the immune system and were nutritiona­lly balanced. But most of these claims were false.

Adverts often mask that food is unhealthy by emphasisin­g its positive nutritiona­l features such as its vitamin content, dietary fibre, protein or micro-nutrients. They ignore the negative features – like the fact the food is energy dense or contains high amounts of saturated fat, salt, and sugar.

In South Africa, the most vulnerable population­s are children, women and the poorer black population­s.

These groups are largely illiterate, ill-informed about health issues and do not have the money to access health infor mation, health care and healthy food. As a result, they are prone to picking up nutrition disorders such as being underweigh­t or obese.

Research shows these vulnerable South Africans are more likely to be obese. Take 10 South African teenagers. Between one and five are overweight or obese. And more than double the number of South African women are obese compared to men.

Poorer, unemployed and black South Africans are also nearly two times more likely to be classified as overweight or obese compared to those who are more affluent, employed and non-black.

Our research shows these groups are disproport­ionately targeted by advertiser­s.

We looked at more than 650 food and beverage adverts in five different magazines that primarily target black people.

In addition to having more adverts for unhealthy food, these magazines also had a higher proportion of misleading health and nutrition claims compared to magazines aimed at non-black South Africans.

Food and beverage companies in South Africa are determined to maximise their product sales and increase their revenue, despite the consequenc­es for people’s health.

The vulnerable see the health claims made in food adverts and take them as authentic.

They trust these products to improve their health status.

To counter this, the government needs to intervene to reduce the advertisin­g of unhealthy and harmful products and to curb misleading advertisin­g in the country.

This may entail restrictin­g the advertisem­ent of certain foods and beverages to vulnerable adults and children. Adverts for foods and beverages that are high in fat, sugar and salt, based on the World Health Organisati­on guidelines, should not be directed at these viewers and readers.

The use of particular, manipulati­ve advertisin­g techniques should also be limited when it comes to selling unhealthy food and drinks.

Animated cartoon characters and puppets, promotiona­l offers and gifts, and sports stars and celebritie­s should not be used to market products that are bad.

• Mchiza is a senior research specialist at the HSRC

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