Saturday Star

Find your purpose working with feminine and masculine energy


THERE is an internal way and an external way to approach your life purpose. The internal is going inside, working with your feminine energy, and the external is focusing on the outside masculine energy: we need both.

This week’s question comes from André in Krugersdor­p. He asks: “I changed my life and lost everyone and everything. I am rebuilding it and if I knew what I am supposed to do, I would do with all my heart. I want to make a difference – what should I do?”

Dear André, today I have four tips for you to take to heart and evaluate against what you are doing already. You might know more than you realise.

Stop trying to understand with your mind. The mind likes to control the process and will result in you going in circles, because…

You are a whole human being. You mind helps with understand­ing, your body with doing and your soul drives you to evolve as you discover life. This means that if you ask: “What should I do?” you are chasing your purpose and might miss what is in front of you.

It is like looking for ladybirds. You will never find them unless you sit still and continue with your work, when you forget about them you will notice them everywhere. Waiting for the ladybirds to come to you is the feminine approach.

What are you focusing on then with your masculine energy? If you work for money and not for joy, your work will never make you rich. Direct your focus in the opposite way of what you are accustomed to in order to evolve.

The soul journey cannot be understood, only travelled. Chasing your purpose is the reason you are not recognisin­g it. Focus on joy and do what makes you happy. This does not mean you should change your life again, it means to find in it what you love.

If you ask (masculine) without listening (feminine), you won’t recognise that you may already be fulfilling your purpose.

This is how I know: for years I had the same dream. Each time I dreamed a little more and over time the story unfolded.

In real life, I wrote a book and published it. After I wrote Can You See Me Naked, which was a letter to explain to someone what I wanted in a relationsh­ip, I noticed that the dream did not return.

When I visited a kinesiolog­ist, she said as a matter of fact: “Oh, I see you found your destiny!” This was how I discovered my purpose.

Writing a book was not on my bucket list, but it came to me by focusing on what was in front of me. I am a coach by profession who helps women, but this time I did what I could about my own struggle. I wrote in my diary the answer to my problem, which became something else. How funny that the dream was always about a gift I could never open, until the last dream when I did.

This is alchemy. Whether you chase the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow or seek enlightenm­ent, eventually you get both.

They are both ways to find your purpose. Make it easy on yourself and follow the four tips: stop trying to understand; do what you can now; do what you do joyfully; listen to the subtle hints that come your way.

Adelé Green is a transforma­tion specialist and internatio­nal author. Send her your question at askadele/ You can hear her on #360Brunch 11.30am on Sundays on Mix93.8FM.

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