Saturday Star

First-wave Xers are naturally Republican


THE Great Ideologica­l Wars of 2017 have pitted grey-hairs against snowflakes, the “we-liked-it-theold- way” boomers, more than half of whom cast their ballots for Donald Trump, vs the idealistic millennial­s, who would prefer it if grandpa kept his paws off their rights. Then there’s the wild card: the 66 million ageing hipsters known as Genera- tion X. Their very name conjures images of underemplo­yed slackers, of flannels and Kurt Cobain and Elizabeth Wurtzel, the medicated and nihilistic symbol of the Prozac Nation. (This is assuming that anyone thinks of Gen X, so clearly America’s neglected middle child, at all.) After college, Gen X donned flannel and started bands called Soundgarde­n and the Smashing Pumpkins. When a recession in 1990 and ‘91 drained the nation of hope and career prospects, Gen X got a menial job and aspired to nothing much at all. By the late 1990s, the Atlantic had fretted that this sea of 20- and early-30-somethings had chosen “political apathy as a way of life”. But as it reaches 50, Gen X no longer looks like an extra from Reality Bites. Gen X looks like Paul Ryan. Consider the cons e r vat ive s who bar nstor med the last election cycle: There is the new US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, who’s 45; Senator Ted Cruz, 46; and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, 49. “A typical Generation Xer” is how pre s i dent i a l counsellor Kellyanne Conway, who at 50 is on the very fringes of Xer-dom, described herself.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer? Generation X. (He’s 45.) At 36, senior adviser Jared Kushner may be too, depending on which of the many generation­al parameters you subscribe to. If you didn’t realise Senator Marco Rubio was Gen X, surely it dawned on you last week, when the 45-year-old met a constituen­t’s request for a town hall with a classic Gen X response – a shrugging “I don’t know, man…”

And then there’s Ryan, the 47-year-old Republican speaker of the House, who is so Gen X that his Spotify playlist, which the music-streaming service made public last spring, included a Beastie Boys song.

But how is it that the new wave of the GOP was raised on grunge?

If they were angry and disillusio­ned teenagers in the 1980s and ‘90s, in middle age they are “very naturally libertaria­n, very pragmatic,” says Neil Howe, co-author of 13th Gen: Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail?, the 1993 book that defined the generation. During Gen X’s formative years, Americans were embracing individual­ism, the free marketplac­e and unabashed capitalism.

“Gen X is a perfect reflection of that: ‘No one is going to help you. No handouts. It’s up to you,’” says Howe. “Particular­ly first-wave Xers, they’re just naturally Republican.”

“Xers came of age with the Ronald Reagan mantra, ‘Government is not the solution, government is the problem’,” adds Paul Taylor, author of The Next America: Boomers, Millennial­s, and the Looming Generation­al Showdown. “That was the prevailing mindset, and that helped shape a political mindset.”

Generation­s are defined in part by birth year, in part by psychology. With Generation X, it’s that middle-child thing.

The Census Bureau defines boomers as those born between 1946 and 1964, and millennial­s as the 83 million people born between 1982 and 2000. Gen X has been harder to pin down. The Census Bureau draws the lines at those born between 1968 and 1979, but says nothing about the three years between the end of the baby boom or the three before the millennial­s’ arrival.

“The boomers were a very noisy generation from the get-go, a very navel-gazing generation, and the millennial­s have also been a noisy generation, in part because of their size,” Taylor says. That’s not the case with Generation X.

Gen X marked a nadir for the American birthrate. Families were fracturing, divorce was reaching its peak and children, left to their own devices, were becoming “latchkey kids.” Widespread adoption of the pill made childbeari­ng a choice, but there was also a “cultural aversion to children,” says Howe. It was apparent from the movies of the late 1970s, including The Omen and Rosemary’s Baby. The Zero Population Growth movement had taken hold. Women were flooding the workplace.

In the young Gen Xer, the culture of the era “instilled a wariness and scepticism, and a kind of ‘figure it out for yourself ’ mindset,” Taylor says. And with that came a sense “that you’re not the centre of the universe.”

For a brief moment, however, X was in the spotlight. Pop culture was enchanted with the Xers and their unwashed icons. The author and artist Douglas Coupland gave the disenchant­ed youth their name in his 1991 novel Generation X: Tales for an Accelerate­d Culture. The movies Slacker, Reality Bites and Singles made the long-haired and angst-ridden persona an archetype.

Were Xers ever really slackers? The recession of the ‘90s proved a blip. “What they’ve done is grown into people who’ve become powerhouse­s of industry,” says Anna Sofia Martin, author of Gen X @ 50, a recent report from cultural forecast firm Sparks & Honey.

Elon Musk is an Xer, as are the founders of Google. Studies show that they’re not only facile at technology, but also equally capable of turning it off.

“You have a generation, mostly in their 40s, who have begun to achieve prominence,” Taylor says.

The boomers are creaking off the stage. Forecasts suggest by the next election, they’ll no longer make up the majority of voters. Trump might be the last boomer president. And then, Gen X will take up the slack. --- Washington Post

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