Saturday Star



THE allegation that Kim Jong-Nam was killed by a WMD nerve agent called VX (The Saturday Star) warrants a response.

According to media reports emanating from the Middle East, PLO leader Yasser Arafat was killed by nuclear assassins using Polonium-210. The murder of Kim Jong-Nam is indeed developing into a John Le Carré thriller.

There was a conspiracy to kill Cuban leader Fidel Castro with untraceabl­e poisons. In this case, the poison was Botulin Toxin.

Ukraine’s Viktor Yushchenko, Chechen Independen­ce Fighter Ibn al-Khattab and Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko were all victims of untraceabl­e poisons. John Paul I, the Roman Pope, is rumoured to have been killed by the Mafia using untraceabl­e poison.

A microgram of PO-120, which is larger than a speck of dust, can deliver a fatal dose of radiation.

Slowly excreted, it has a biological half life of around a month, and this ensures its alpha particles continue to wreak havoc once inside the body.

Polonium-210 is highly dangerous if taken into the body by breathing, drinking or eating, or if it gets into a wound.

In practical applicatio­ns, also just a few as a single gram of polonium-210 generates 140 Watts of energy. It is also used as a heat source for satellite power supplies.

If Kim Jong-Nam was indeed poisoned by agent VX, then it is obvious he was murdered by a foreign secret service. Being very rare, VX is very expensive. This is not a random murder, it is not a tool chosen by amateurs. These people have some serious resources behind them.

Farouk Araie

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