Saturday Star

ANC supporter saves a DA life


BISHOP Edward Adams might have saved a life yesterday when he used his body to shield a semi-conscious DA supporter from the kicks and blows delivered from members of his own party.

The man, dressed in a blue DA T-shirt and with a DA flag draped over his shoulders, was lying bleeding on the pavement on Albertina Sisulu Road when Adams, chairperso­n of Ward 84, stepped forward. He would later say that he did so because he could see that the police and the MK veterans were unable to control the mob. “I knew they would respond to the leadership,” he said.

Adams removed his jacket and used it to shield the man as police attempted to bundle him into a police van, as the mob continued to throw stones and bricks.

Just moments earlier ANC supporters gathered outside Luthuli House had spotted the DA supporter, as he crossed Pixley ka Isaka Seme Street. ANC supporters gave chase, breaking through a cordon of MK veterans and police. They caught up to the man close to the Johannesbu­rg City Hall and began beating him. An MK veteran kicked him in the head as he slumped against the wall. Police tried to intervene, but were too few in number.

“The problem is that by walking past Luthuli House it was like he was giving them the middle finger,” said Adams.

With Adams’s help police were able to get the man into a police van, later he was taken to hospital. According to police he was in a serious condition.

The DA in Gauteng condemned the violence and called on the police to investigat­e.

This was not the only violent incident close to Luthuli House, yesterday. Brigadier Mathapelo Peters said four people were injured when police opened fire with rubber bullets to stop ANC supporters from heading towards Mary Fitzgerald Square where DA marchers had gathered. But most supporters who gathered did so peacefully. Some travelled long distances, like one woman who travelled overnight from Bloemfonte­in. “I am here to defend the ANC and president. If the president takes a decision it needs to be defended as it is done as a collective through the ANC,” the woman said. She didn’t want to give her name.

But for Adams he felt he saved a life. “I am just happy that he is

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