Saturday Star

Tinder for T rex: dating profiles for dinosaurs


THE MOMENT I read the phrase, “Tyrannosau­rus rex was a sensitive lover, new dinosaur discovery suggests,” I thought it sounded like the opening line of a dinosaur’s Tinder profile.

Turns out it was just the headline on a Guardian article covering new research suggesting that T rex dinosaurs had hypersensi­tive snouts that could have been used in mating.

But I rather like the idea of a dating profile for a dinosaur.

So, in a fit of caffeine-induced absurdity, I decided to write one myself :

T Rex, Hell Creek Formation, last active 66 million years ago.

“Likes: Snout-rubbing and raw Endomontos­aurus steak dinners. Dislikes: Triceratop­s, asteroids.

I might be big, but I’m light on my feet, these bones are hollow.

Don’t let my tiny hands fool you – I’ve been called a sensitive lover.”

But a dating app is no use to a lonely dino if he’s the only guy on it.

So, I e-mailed a bunch of palaeontol­ogists and asked whether they would be willing to create a profile for their favourite dinosaurs.

Turns out, crafting a profile that will charm a dinosaur is even harder than trying to date a human.

There are a lot scientists who don’t know about dinosaur lifestyles – whether a given species lived in herds or alone, how often they mated and with whom, whether they cared for their young – so it’s hard to tell what would appeal to them.

But palaeontol­ogists are a pretty resourcefu­l bunch. Not to mention hilarious (and surprising­ly raunchy).

Here’s how they would attempt to woo a dinosaur mate. Which would you swipe right on?

Dreadnough­tus schrani: One of history’s largest land animals, this gigantic South American sauropod was discovered in 2014.

“Full- bodied s auropod, enjoys standing and eating. Tur noffs: Inter rupting me while I’m eating; things I can’t eat; gravity. If you’re into to doing terrible things to ferns, drop me a line and we’ll defoliate together.” (Kenneth Lacovara, palaeontol­ogist at Rowan University)

Anzu wyliei: A gigantic oviraptor species unofficial­ly known as “the chicken from hell.”

“SD > ND > MT. Snacks on fruit, lizards, mammals, and Triceratop­s eggs. Likes flashy wing and tail plumage and a great head crest.

“Daddy to 22 beautiful chicks. 7’5” (2.26m) so you gotta be tall. No comparison­s to poultry please :) LOL.” (Matthew Lamanna, assistant curator of vertebrate palaeon- tology at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History)

Parasaurol­ophus walkeri: A North American duck-billed dinosaur with nasal passages that may have produced a swan-like honk and an elaborate head crest that could have been used as a resonating chamber to magnify the noises.

“I’ll sing you a song of the dinoland. I am the best tooter on my block.

“Applying for Julliard next year. Although some of my best work may sound like farting noises, I think I just have a new sound that is too fresh for some. I am just misunderst­ood.

“But I promise if you let me mate with you, I will help watch the eggs 20% of the time.” (Carrie Levitt-Bussian, palaeontol­ogy collection­s manager at the Natural History Museum of Utah)

Oviraptor: A genus of small birdlike dinosaurs that lived in Mongolia during the late Cretaceous.

“I am new to Mongolia and I’m looking for my partner in crime. I love to run, hunt and currently working on some mating rituals – perhaps you can critique my mating dance and feather displays ;) I consider myself a feminist – I have no problem brooding eggs while you’re out with your friends or at work! And yes, I do preen my feathers regularly!” (Eric Gorscak, palaeontol­ogist at the Field Museum of Natural History)

Tyrannosau­rus rex: Looks like my T rex has some competitio­n. (Who are we kidding? This dude is definitely out of my league.)

“Fitness-minded apex predator with plenty of “rex” appeal looking for a tyrant lizard queen. Let’s grab Triceratop­s tacos and watch the sun set over the Western Interior Seaway.

“About me: love whisky, travel, and working out. Biceps looking great but have some trouble with pushups.

“Can’t run f aster than 10 mph (11.3km/h), but then again, neither can you. Eggs in the picture are my sister’s.

“The asteroid is coming so I’m not looking for anything serious. Basically just DTF (Down To Fossilize) but I’m cool to hang out and rub snouts afterwards.

“Not into vegetarian­s, smokers, drama, middle-aged women (under 14 ok). Please be under 5 tons.

Thirteen feet (3.9m) tall because apparently that’s important to you ladies… (Sarah Werning, palaeontol­ogist at Des Moines University)

Velocirapt­or: A genus of small, swift, probably feathered dinosaurs.

“Looking for a ‘clever girl’? I’m small but fierce and on the hunt for a mate. Serious applicants only. Mess with me, and I’ll bring out the claws.” (Brian Cleveland, copy editor for The Washington Post)

– The Washington Post.

 ??  ?? The Tyrannosau­rus rex, said to have a hypersensi­tive snout.
The Tyrannosau­rus rex, said to have a hypersensi­tive snout.

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