Saturday Star


ANC concedes family has firm grip on party


IN A week that taxpayers lear nt that money was allegedly splurged on another dodgy deal involving the Guptas, the ANC has officially conceded that the party is in the clutches of the Indian family.

ANC s ecretary- g eneral Gwede Mantashe’s diagnostic report into the party’s health shows the influence of the Gupta-family on Africa’s oldest liberation movement. The report further shows that the ANC wascorrupt and that vote-buying had become the norm. The ANC is also fractured.

“The temptation is to regard such discussion­s as an invasion of privacy and tampering with personal relations. It is, indeed, correct to state that the Guptas can do business any time, anywhere with whomsoever (sic).

“However, their relationsh­ips with the families of prominent leaders attract the attention of the people,” Mantashe said yesterday at the ANC policy conference in Nasrec, Soweto.

“When there are benefits that accrue to families of the leadership, it is assumed to be corrupt in that the political leaders are supposed to have facilitate­d the accrual of benefits.”

The Gupta family, who are President Jacob Zuma’s close friends, have been linked to state capture through their controvers­ial relationsh­ip with various cabinet ministers.

It emerged this week that Linkway Trading, a Guptaowned company, played a role in allowing the diversion of cash earmarked for the Free State’s Vrede dairy project to reimburse most of the expenses of a Gupta wedding amounting to R30 millon.

Mantashe said the matter reflects the “decline in our analytical capacity”, and that the release of the explosive Gupta emails had done a lot of harm to the movement.

“Our reaction cannot be careless but it needs to be comprehens­ive. Where we must own up, individual comrades should do so by providing reputable explanatio­ns, as a few have done. Blatant denial lacks credibilit­y in the eyes of society,” he said.

On vote buying that was threatenin­g the unity of the ANC, Mantashe said: “Money has replaced consciousn­ess as a basis for being elected into leadership positions at all levels of the organisati­on. The ethical behaviour of leaders is no longer an issue, as it has been replaced by status.

“Ethics is seen as an elitist approach to politics and has developed social distance as an effect,” he said, also bemoaning the growing “trust deficit between leaders and society”.

On a day when the ANC was to come together for a show of unity and chart the way forward, the rifts were glaring when Zuma berated the ANC veterans of behaving like superiors. He accused them of behaving as if they were running the ANC.

“They see us as purely as administra­tors,” Zuma said, briefly departing from his prepared speech.

One of the veterans, Andrew Mlangeni, who is among Zuma critics, left the stage immediatel­y. Ironically, Zuma had opened his speech with a call for unity. His remarks were met with murmurs of disbelief from some sections of the more than 5 000-strong delegates.

The veterans retorted with a broadside of their own. Sydney Mufamadi, who speaks on behalf of them, lashed out at Zuma after his unpreceden­ted attack, accusing him of spreading distortion­s and of being economical with the truth.

“President Zuma cannot be said to be truthful – even to himself,” said Mufamadi.

The par t y’s nati onal executive committee ( NEC) announced earlier this year that two days would be set aside at the policy conference, at the request of the stalwarts, to host what was called a “consultati­ve conference” to debate the issues plaguing the ANC.

However, the stalwarts asserted this week that they would be boycotting the conference as they had wanted a separate gathering away from it because it dealt with two different things.

Among the veterans are the remaining members of those imprisoned after the Rivonia treason trial.

Zuma said yesterday: “The reason we have set aside seven days for this conference is because comrades who call themselves stalwarts went around organising other comrades.

“They said they want a consultati­ve conference and took a decision on their own outside of ANC structures.”

Mufamadi said: “We don’t mind being criticised by anyone, including the president. But we do worry when the president resorts to distortion­s when trying to make his point.”

He stressed that the veterans were willing to work with the NEC in organising the consultati­ve conference, and that the president was being dishonest when he said that the veterans had wanted to organise a gathering on their own, and that they had claimed to be the true leaders of the ANC.

“South Africa is in a crisis,” Mufamadi said, “and it is only the president who doesn’t seem to realise this.”

He added: “We will not allow President Zuma to fob us off by creating a crisis.

“That man – Oliver Tambo – whom he quoted at length in his speech, was trusted by our people because they never doubted his honesty,” added Mufamadi.

SACP deputy general secretary Solly Mapaila weighed in on the matter, accusing the president of alienating some within the alliance. “We believe in our veterans. “Yes they are people and they have their own frailties but to dismiss them in that form is quite unfortunat­e.

“Protecting the veterans is the protection of our own legacy, of our history,” said Mapaila on the sidelines of the six-day party policy conference yesterday.

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Minnie Dlamini will be rocking the Vodacom Durban July red carpet in a super sexy gown inspired by the plumage of a white peacock today, thanks to celebrity fashion designer Gert-Johan Coetzee. The theme for the July this year is The Colour of Magic,...

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