Saturday Star



I WAS deeply saddened to hear of the passing of attorney Joel Joffe, a most outstandin­g and dedicated patriot who served the country with unswerving commitment. He stands out as a giant among those whose contributi­ons have served and continue to serve the Struggle. His death will serve to remind many of a legal colossus who left his imprint on our country. South Africa is now bereft of one of its long-standing, founding heroes. We should be assured that while great people will die, death can never kill their names. Lord Joffe was a distinguis­hed lawyer, whose erudite legal acumen, especially during the various treason trials of the 1960s, was indelible and irrefutabl­e proof of the measure of this impeccable and learned jurist.

He was one of the most courageous and erudite lawyers South Africa produced. We shall surely miss him. Our obvious consolatio­n is that he has left indelible imprints and footprints on the sands of time for us to continuall­y remember him. His death represents the end of an era of those eminent legal scholars who fought against tyranny and made indelible marks on the judiciary – very eloquent, brilliant and with such jurisprude­ntial sagacity of a rare breed he was an epitome of judicial uprightnes­s. He always stood on the side of truth and justice, was fearless and would always speak truth to power.

His le gal strategy, when defending beloved Madiba and others, will be remembered for posterity. He led the defence of accused activists with tremendous skill and wisdom – filled with courage, integrity, fairness and grace, with an unfailing instinct to be right about the great issues of our time.

His commitment to justice and equality was total. He left us something to emulate, decipher and make marks on in the course of our life experience­s to make this country better. Through history, many individual­s have left a legacy. Lord Joffe will be remembered for his pivotal role during the 1963-64 Rivonia trial that enabled Nelson Mandela and eight others to escape the noose.The trial changed the course of history.

In the esoteric area of justice, he was able to pierce obfuscatin­g doctrine. He could think on his feet to handle anything thrown at him. The legal eagle had intellect without arrogance, genius without pride. May his profound soul rest in perfect peace.

Farouk Araie

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