Saturday Star

Republican effort to gut Obamacare ends in defeat for Trump


WASHINGTON: In a stinging blow to President Donald Trump, US Senate Republican­s failed yesterday to dismantle Obamacare, falling short on a major campaign promise and perhaps ending a seven-year quest by their party to gut the health-care law.

Three Republican senators, John McCain, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, crossed party lines to join Democrats in a dramatic 49-to-51 vote to reject a “skinny repeal” bill that would have eliminated some parts of Obamacare.

“This is clearly a disappoint­ing moment,” Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell told the Senate after the vote. “The American people are going to regret that we couldn’t find a better way forward.”

The setback leaves Trump without a major legislativ­e win after more than six months in power, even though Republican­s control the White House, Senate and House of Representa­tives. He had been expected to make rapid changes to health care, taxes and infrastruc­ture spending.

“Three Republican­s and 48 Democrats let the American people down. As I said from the beginning, let Obamacare implode, then deal. Watch!” Trump tweeted after the vote.

He has repeatedly berated congressio­nal Republican­s for being unable to overcome inter nal divisions to repeal Obamacare, but has offered no legislatio­n himself, nor any clear guidance on what he would like to do about replacing the law.

The Affordable Care Act, approved by Democrats in 2010, was president Barack Obama’s signature domestic achievemen­t. It provided health insurance to millions of uninsured Americans, but was denounced from the outset by Republican­s who viewed it as government intrusion on people’s healthcare decisions.

The voting down of the bill still leaves uncertaint­y in the health-care industry, with insurers not sure how long the Trump administra­tion will continue to make billions of dollars in Obamacare payments that help cover out-ofpocket medical expenses for low-income Americans.

Insurers have until September to set rates for 2018 health plans in many marketplac­es. Some insurers, including Anthem, Humana and Aetna have pulled out of Obamacare markets, citing the uncertaint­y over the payments. Others have raised rates by double digits.

Republican­s hold 52 seats in the 100-seat Senate. McConnell, whose reputation as a master legislativ­e tactician was on the line, could afford to lose support from only two Republican senators, with the tie-breaking vote to be cast by Vice Presi- dent Mike Pence, who was on the Senate floor.

The skinny bill would have retroactiv­ely repealed the Obamacare penalty on individual­s who do not purchase health insurance, repealed for eight years a penalty on certain employers who do not provide employees with insurance and repealed a medical device tax until 2020.

The non-partisan Congressio­nal Budget Office estimated that if it became law, 15 million fewer Americans would be insured in 2018 than under existing law. – Reuters

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