Saturday Star



IT TAKES considerab­le courage to reveal a rape ordeal. Due to the risk of invasion of one’s privacy and the resulting stigma and trauma, thousands of sexual assaults go unreported in South Africa. It is estimated that 40% of women in our country will be raped in their lifetime and that only 1 in 4 cases are reported, and that only 14% of perpetrato­rs of rape are convicted. Unofficial­ly, 120 women are raped every day.

Jennifer Fergurson’s rape ordeal by a prominent sports personalit­y has gone viral.

Powerful leaders who abuse women must be declared; “Hostis Humani Generis”, (Enemies Of Mankind). These individual­s are in reality coldhearte­d sex fiends. Society bears guilt for condoning sex pests. The defilement of our women continues unabated and, sadly, unpunished. The law must harshly punish the defiler. The brutal molestatio­n of women defiles the very essence of personhood.

Our judicial system must mete out the severest sanction to offenders.

In our crime-ridden society regarding brutal and heinous crimes, sentencing has been the biggest casualty. We are graphicall­y witnessing a burgeoning defilement crisis. Rapists assert their frivolous sense of authority on the personal space of others. Rape is one of the manifestat­ions. Its is an inhuman act of terror imposed on an innocent soul.

The rich and the powerful are immune from prosecutio­n, money and powerful connection­s buys everything. What we are witnessing today is a manifestat­ion of this ugly truth. We have beasts in our society who do not have values or morals about life. We must conjure a unified solution for our epidemic of sexual violence against our women.

Farouk Araie

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