Saturday Star

Bob nods off as hecklers blitz him


IT DIDN’T start with a convoy of tanks moving on the outskirts of the Zimbabwean capital.

Was Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe’s downfall favouring his polarising and politicall­y inexperien­ced wife over his powerful vice-president, Emmerson Mnangagwa, whom he fired last week?

Twittersph­ere doesn’t care. As usual, there are more than two sides to any story on social media.

Yes, Mugabe might have overestima­ted the loyalty of the military and security elite in what appeared to be a coup, but social media users have their own views on the matter.

“(Mugabe) staged his own coup to get rid of Grace” was one.

Yesterday, when Mugabe was pardoned from his house arrest to attend a Zimbabwe Open University graduation ceremony in the capital Harare, social media hecklers had a field day.

First, General Chiwenga’s “young”, “beautiful” wife was graduating on the day and was capped by Chancellor of all Universiti­es in Zimbabwe, President Mugabe. Social speculatio­n was that Mugabe was only pardoned from house arrest so Chiwenga’s “gorgeous” wife could graduate.

Second, Mugabe fell asleep at the graduation ceremony.

Twittersph­ere said they don’t blame him since he had had a “long week”.

It might be a longer weekend since a police clearance for a rally against Mugabe for today was granted and a senior member of the Zanu PF ruling party said it wanted him gone.

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