Saturday Star

Why chick flicks check out of male brains


IF THE man in your life cannot remember the plot of the slushy film you watched last night, it may not be because he wasn’t paying attention.

It may be beyond his control.

Researcher­s have found so-called gender conditioni­ng in childhood affects how easily we follow a film and how much we absorb.

Boys excel at recalling details of action films because the con- police were also investigat­ing the possibilit­y the four took a diversion on the way home, possibly to stop off in Copacabana, famed for its raucous nightlife and sex tourism.

The judge who allowed the swimmers to be held for questionin­g would determine when they can leave the country, but as far as police are concerned Bentz and Conger are free to go. The swimmers claimed they were robbed of watches and tent “matches” their gender, while girls have a better memory for romantic comedies.

In the study for the British Psychologi­cal Society, German res earchers s howed 160 men and women 30-minute clips from two romantic comedies and two action films, then gave them a surprise test.

The men remembered more details of the action movies, while the women did better with the romances.

The findings could not be explained by the volunteers being more familiar with some of the films than others. The degree to which they enjoyed a film also wasn’t linked to how much they remembered, said the journal Applied Cognitive Psychology. – Daily Mail

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