
Beat the beauty blues this winter


- Karabo Disetlhe

FROM the animals to the withering trees, the cold season can be harsh on everyone – and that includes our bodies as well.

Notwithsta­nding the various flu viruses we are exposed to in winter, some areas of your body also take a beating from the cold weather.

Your lips, hair, and cheeks might need special attention if you don’t want to enter spring looking like you just escaped from a natural disaster.

We spoke to beauty therapist Siyabulela Myeni from Devor cosmetics about how to pay close attention to these areas, and survive winter with our fabulousit­y intact.

Myeni says that many people tend to concentrat­e on being snug and warm in winter, and forget to nourish their bodies.

“This is the reason some people even neglect to drink enough water in winter. When it’s cold we tend to shut down and focus on surviving the cold, which can often lead to neglect,” he says.

Myeni has the following tips on taking care of our bodies:


Winter effect: chapped, broken, bleeding lips.

“Lips tend to lose moisture faster than they do in summer, and you may get dry more often during the day,” he says.

“This can lead some people to fall into the bad habit of biting or chewing away at their lips, leading to bleeding or broken skin.” Fabulousit­y tip: Myeni recommends getting rid of flaky skin on your lips with a simple DIY trick.“Use an old toothbrush and brush away all the flakes on your skin. Next, use a strong barrier cream or lip balm.”

Myeni ’ s home-made lip balm solution can be made using ingredient­s found in your kitchen.

“Combine beeswax, almond oil, wheat germ oil, a few drops of lavender and honey. Mix it all up and heat the mixture. When it cools off, you will have an effective chapped lips solution,” he says.


Winter effect: dry, flaky and cracked heels

Ever noticed how, when putting on your socks in winter, it feels a bit different? You may have fallen victim to winter’s cracked feet syndrome.

“Contrary to what most people believe, cracked feet are not a direct result of being unhygienic.

“It is a common condition that affects people, especially in winter due to the rapid loss of moisture in our bodies,” Myeni says. Fabulousit­y tip: “I have found that aqueous cream or any rich cream [the more natural, the better] mixed with essential oils such as lavender and myrrh, is beneficial to help restore suppleness.

“Also, wearing thick woollen socks immediatel­y after applying the cream can help retain the moisture during the day, making your feet soft and smooth when you take them off.”


Winter effect: ashy, dull skin.

It is a fact that cold conditions can lead to ashen skin, even when one uses body lotion.

Myeni says take note of the kind of body lotion you use to nourish your skin, because you cannot use the same lotion that is used in summer.

“Skin is very delicate and sensitive in winter, and this is because the sebaceous glands don’t secrete enough oils. The dry and cold weather conditions tend to exacerbate the situation.” Fabulousit­y tip: “Invest in nourishing and lubricatin­g creams with oils such as geranium, that has a balancing effect on sebum production.”


Winter effect: breaking, dull hair

Finding more and more hair on your comb during winter? Myeni has some tips for you. Fabulousit­y tip: “Avoid the use of hairdryers during winter. Rather opt for drying your hair naturally using a towel to prevent moisture loss.

“Also, shampooing and conditioni­ng your hair is much more essential in winter because this will help with locking in the moisture. Another tip is to use rosemary for a final rinse after washing your hair.”

 ?? PHOTOS: THINKSTOCK ?? TAKE CARE OF YOUR HAIR: Hair can become dry and brittle during the cold months. Shampooing and conditioni­ng your hair is important as this will help lock in moisture
PHOTOS: THINKSTOCK TAKE CARE OF YOUR HAIR: Hair can become dry and brittle during the cold months. Shampooing and conditioni­ng your hair is important as this will help lock in moisture
 ??  ?? CREAM NEEDED: Cracked heels
CREAM NEEDED: Cracked heels

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