
SACP leader has nothing to offer to build SA


CONTRARY to Blade Nzimande ’ s call, we have no time to deal with the EFF and those who are seen as a threat to Cosatu.

We are too busy addressing the many serious issues affecting South Africa.

The EFF and Numsa are not our enemies. Our enemies remain the triple challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployme­nt.

Nzimande has failed to deal with capitalist­s, now he is calling for the poor to deal with fellow black people while ignoring the damage that is being caused by his Guptas, his Sdumo Dlamini and his SA Communist Party.

His political conduct has reached a level of underminin­g this democracy that our forefather­s fought hard for. His daily utterances make one wonder if he indeed understand­s the constituti­on of SA and the history of the ANC.

His politics are informed by the existence of Zwelinzima Vavi, EFF and Numsa.

He has nothing developmen­tal to offer. All he does is attack those who are fighting against capitalism and poor administra­tion.

Nzimande can ’ t make such a call in a democratic country – calling for people to fight against an idea.

Democracy is about fairness and justice. No force should be used to undermine democratic freedom.

He calls innocent black people “profession­als of doom ” for raising their views. When fellow black people start to fight Nzimande ’ s conduct he wants poor people to defend him.

He uses congresses as a platform to attack the media, but then runs to the same media owned by the Guptas when he wishes to push his political agendas.

Nzimande attacks everyone who tries to restore dignity in the SACP but is failing even to question the very capitalist­s that he is busy signing deals with.

The SACP has infiltrate­d Cosatu and the ANC and Nzimande has abandoned his dignity as a leader because of his obsession with Zwelinzima Vavi, Irvin Jim and Julius Malema.

This has caused him not to take seriously the SA Students Congress ’ call for free education.

For the past three years, Nzimande has not come out to receive a memorandum from Sasco during their march for free education but today he is calling for the very same young people to deal with the EFF.

There is a crisis in the National Student Financial Aid Scheme at all universiti­es in SA, but Nzimande ’ s efforts and pronouncem­ents on the issue have been few and far between. Yet the greater part of his efforts seem to be focused on finding better ways to divide workers.

He lashes out at everyone who happens to stand in his way, even if they are working for a better SA.

The energy and focus of young South Africans within the progressiv­e youth alliance will not be used to fight the EFF.

I ’ m sure there are deployees in parliament who can do that job. Our focus is on the upcoming local government elections and rebuilding the ANC Youth League.

Nzimande should deal with the EFF in parliament since he has influence over who is deployed there.

We are sick and tired of senior leaders who are not exemplary in government but see young people as their soldiers to defend their interests. Nzimande hardly addresses questions related to the economy, let alone the Freedom Charter but he keeps calling on the poor to defend the rich.

There ’ s a crisis in SA. Twenty-one years since the dawn of democracy we shouldn ’ t be fighting each other but should be mapping a way towards developmen­t.

The SACP was silent on the death of Andries Tatane, on the Marikana saga and now young people must go and fight on Nzimande ’ s behalf.

Nzimande seems to be synonymous with squabbling and attacking. The death of the ANC is in his hands.

Wa Azania is an ANCYL member and student at the Tshwane University of Technology

“Nzimande keeps calling on the poor to defend the rich

 ??  ?? MJ WA AZANIA

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