
Friendly medic killed for a phone

DIED: January 13 2017 FUNERAL: January 20 2017 BURIAL: January 24, Springs Cemetery

- Mbulelo Sompetha

SOUTH Africa’s rampant crime has robbed the community of Springs of a dedicated doctor.

Dr Mpatiso “Bra Kid” Lesia was shot on January 13 2017 at his home in Selcourt Estate in Springs during an armed robbery. It is suspected that the criminals gained access through the main bedroom’s sliding door on the upper floor.

The couple who were watching television around 11pm were surprised by armed men who told them to keep quiet.

Lesia was shot in the thigh by the criminals and, on hearing the commotion, the house helper pressed the panic bottom to alert the police. The criminals ran away with a cellphone which belonged to Lesia’s wife, Dr Nkele Lesia.

Lesia was rushed to Netcare Parklands Hospital where he underwent surgery the following day. He died later that evening.

Dr Sol Motlanthe studied with his late colleague. He said Lesia was a committee member of the organising committee for his class of 1986 last year.

“He guided us and made sure that the reunion succeeded. His death has instilled intense anger in the medical fraternity.

“South Africa is running short of doctors. About 10 000 patients are going to suffer due to the loss of Dr Lesia. The community has created a market for criminals to sell stolen goods.

“They don’t care if someone was killed in stealing these goods,” said Motlanthe. “We will miss that ever-smiling face and jokes from Bra Kid.”

His memorial service will be held today from 2pm at KwaThema Civic Hall. He’ll be buried on Tuesday.

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Dr Mpatiso ‘Bra Kid’ Lesia

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