
High-level talks over Molefe

Zuma, Ramaphosa in discussion­s with minister to resolve Eskom ‘fiasco’

- By Ngwako Modjadji

Public Enterprise­s Minister Lynne Brown appears to have heeded the call from the ANC to rescind Brian Molefe’s return to Eskom as the group chief executive.

It emerged yesterday that Brown is in discussion­s with President Jacob Zuma and his deputy Cyril Ramaphosa in a bid to resolve the debacle surroundin­g the controvers­ial reappointm­ent of Molefe by the Eskom board.

This comes after the ANC ordered Brown and the Eskom board to rescind Molefe’s return to the power utility.

Brown’s spokesman Colin Cruywagen yesterday said that at the meeting, held on Monday between Brown and ANC officials about the re-appointmen­t of Molefe, it was agreed that the government must resolve the matter.

“Minister Brown is in discussion with the president and deputy president on the matter,” Cruywagen said.

The DA came out guns blazing, blaming the ANC cadre deployment and cadre re-deployment policy for the fiasco.

“If the ANC is serious about opposing what is going on at Eskom, it will support our call for a parliament­ary inquiry,” DA shadow minister of public enterprise­s Natasha Mazzone said.

“This is vital so that we can, once and for all, get to the bottom of the cause of the rot that has set in at Eskom.

“The trickle of allegation­s of corruption and capture emanating from Eskom has now turned into a waterfall that simply beggars belief.”

Brown and the Eskom board are expected to appear before parliament’s portfolio committee on public enterprise­s tomorrow to account for the Molefe fiasco as well as the disastrous state of Eskom.

The DA said it would push for a firm commitment that a full-scale parliament­ary inquiry be instituted urgently.

“We will directly request Minister Lynne Brown and the Eskom board to voluntaril­y submit to a full-scale parliament­ary inquiry,” Mazzone said.

“It is the only mechanism that can truly hold Eskom to account and uncover how Brian Molefe came to be returned to Eskom.

“It is time for parliament to perform its oversight role and fully investigat­e the shocking allegation­s and to ensure that those who are implicated, directly or indirectly, face the full might of the law,” Mazzone said.

 ?? / ESA ALEXANDER ?? Minister Lynne Brown and the Eskom board are expected to appear before parliament tomorrow.
/ ESA ALEXANDER Minister Lynne Brown and the Eskom board are expected to appear before parliament tomorrow.

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