
Your Stars


Aries March 21 — April 19

Get advice from a reliable source before entering into financial investment­s. Speculativ­e ventures might be riskier than you suspect. Compile a budget as a safeguard against unnecessar­y expenditur­e. Do not spend money on nonessenti­als. (PHONE 083 9140 501) (sms ARI to 34703)

Taurus April 20 — May 20

Beware of danger from your adversarie­s as this is a round in which artfulness and deception are practised against you. Spotting the danger will be particular­ly difficult if you have any secret enemies. You will soon enough find out. (PHONE 083 9140 502) (sms TAU to 34703)

Gemini May 21 — June 20

Personal initiative is recommende­d if you are worried about family affairs or a particular relative's plight. Things are apt to become emotional and possibly heated in your habitat but you must ensure that you are the cool thinker. (PHONE 083 9140 503) (sms GEM to 34703)

Cancer June 21 — July 22

If you feel the need to assert yourself at this time, do so with a calm yet authoritat­ive air. You will not get the same amount of respect and obedience if you become too dramatic. Quietly emphasise your intoleranc­e to all opposition. (PHONE 083 9140 504) (sms CAN to 34703)

Leo July 23 — Aug 22

Give proper considerat­ion to your wellbeing otherwise you may come seriously undone in the course of this term. Do not skimp on rest or meals because such neglects are likely to rebound harshly on your nervous and digestive systems.

(PHONE 083 9140 505) (sms LEO to 34703)

Virgo Aug 23 — Sep 22

You could find yourself in a power struggle with a rival who is determined to beat you to a certain goal. Do not allow the conflict to break your spirit or you may be outmanoeuv­red. Plot carefully yet modify your plans when necessary. (PHONE 083 9140 506) (sms VIR to 34703)

Libra Sep 23 — Oct 22

Be advised that impulsive actions are very likely to get you into trouble and extricatin­g yourself may be easier said than done. It might be a subconscio­us motivation that causes your downfall; an unruly self-destructiv­e inclinatio­n. (PHONE 083 9140 507) (sms LIB to 34703)

Scorpio Oct 23 — Nov 21

Self-indulgence could now afflict you and render you quite unproducti­ve. Daydreams and delusions of grandeur do nothing more than waste invaluable energy and time. Stop your wool-gathering and develop a constructi­ve line of thought.

(PHONE 083 9140 508) (sms SCO to 34703)

Sagittariu­s Nov 22 — Dec 21

You are about to experience the harsh impact of reality, if you have not already done so, with regard to the business world. Do not bank on getting support for your plan or project; but count on having to combat some difficult people. (PHONE 083 9140 509) (sms SAG to 34703)

Capricorn Dec 22 — Jan 19

You may now be the odd person out with regard to a group interest or activity unless you are prepared to compromise your stance quite a bit. You will surely find yourself out on a limb if you persist in pushing your opinion or demand. (PHONE 083 9140 510) (sms CAP to 34703)

Aquarius Jan 20 — Feb 18

An upsetting session if you simply accept things. Act boldly and you may succeed in some or other manner; be pessimisti­c about your prospects and failure will quickly take hold. The important thing is to choose the right enterprise. (PHONE 083 9140 511) (sms AQU to 34703)

Pisces Feb 19 — Mar 20

Yesterday’s solutions DOWN

An egotistica­l attitude is actually a handicap. Self-confidence works when it is underlined with common sense and forbearanc­e. You will regret consequenc­es borne of impulsive action. Be practical so as to avert overplayin­g your hand. (PHONE 083 9140 512) (sms PIS to 34703)

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