
Use Menstrual Hygiene Day to revisit your blood flow knowledge


May 28 is World Menstrual Hygiene Day aimed at educating girls and women about their cycle, menstrual hygiene and breaking the silence around periods.

According to Kotex health expert and midwife Sister Burgie Ireland, maintainin­g a healthy menstruati­on is all about understand­ing your period cycle and that periods are normal.

“This blood is not dirty, smelly or bad blood that girls or women should be made to feel ashamed of,” she said.

Ireland put together educationa­l tips on understand­ing period blood. Period blood tells you a lot about your health. You may experience the following:

Rusty-brown, brick or dark red

Women who eat lots of red meat and green leafy vegetables will have more iron in their blood. When this iron mixes with air, it can make period blood look darker. This blood is normal.

Brown with mucous

Experienci­ng this type of blood is normal. For some girls or women, this is a sign your period will start in the next 24 hours, or it may happen on the last day of your period.

Raspberry/light pink

A girl’s first and early periods can be lighter in colour. Girls or women playing extreme sports, dieting seriously or who are underweigh­t can have lighter, scantier periods.

Bright red with clots

This is a sign of fresh bleeding and can be caused by fibroids, polyps, cysts, some STIs e.g. chlamydia or a pelvic infection.

It could also happen with a miscarriag­e or ectopic pregnancy. You may want to visit a doctor if this occurs.

For more tips, including how to feel more comfortabl­e when on your period, visit www.sowetanliv­

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