
DA, EFF accept ‘blood’ funding


The EFF and the DA are the only political organisati­ons to openly reject the National Assembly’s adoption of the political party funding bill.

It’s a known fact that the DA is sponsored and funded by the Zionist, Nathan Kirsh. The DA has not denied this allegation .

According to the 2015 Forbes list, Kirsh is the biggest shareholde­r in Magal Security Systems, a company that won 80% of the original contracts for Israel’s wall in the West Bank in 2002, oppressing Palestinia­ns.

Kirsh makes his profits out of the blood of the children of Palestine.

On December 12 2013 a donation of nearly R9-million was made to the EFF, allegedly by Kirsh. How can EFF and the DA accept monies from Nathan Kirsh?

If the public is kept in the dark about who the respective funders were, voters would then not be aware of potential conflicts of interests and have and have no way of knowing who may be influencin­g a party’s policies and activities.

Private money, if left completely uncontroll­ed and unmonitore­d, can exacerbate political corruption.

It can create situations where donors may make contributi­ons to a party in return for government contracts or other favours.

Such secrecy not only encourages corruption and various forms of state capture, but also undermines democracy. Yasmina Sadeck Durban

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