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What are state looters thinking?

I wonder what these looters in our government feel or think when they are home with their families? Do these thieves have a conscience? Many of them even attend church services regularly. – Leset

Be more aggressive Mr Pres

The unity President Cyril Ramaphosa is preaching in his party ranks is the one thing that makes his presidency very weak. Instead, he had better be more aggressive to be stronger. – Oriah Choshane

Cyril rehired those JZ sacked

President Cyril Ramaphosa has reappointe­d honest and competent ministers who were expelled by Jacob Zuma because they stood in Zuma’s way to looting the state-owned enterprise­s. – Anonymous

Stop adultery before it’s late

Extramarit­al lovers are death traps (Proverbs7) that attract the grim reaper; so let’s stop our adulterous ways before it’s too late. – Moses

World Cup sad reminder

The World Cup is a sad reminder how far we have fallen. – Mothusi

Bafana not good enough

South Africans must just resign themselves to the fact that Bafana Bafana will never taste the World Cup again, given the poor quality of players we have, just like Collen Maine will never be our president. – Anonymous

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