Sunday Times

From the small screen to property scene

Aretha Bauwens, best known for her role in ‘Muvhango’, where she played Thivhulawi, a schizophre­nic woman who gave her child up for adoption without consulting her husband, tells Lucky Biyase about learning a new discipline in real estate


Are you an impulse buyer or do you shop with a list?

Definitely impulse.

What is your take on credit cards?

If you can afford to pay back every cent you have spent on it at the end of the month, and if you earn points on it, then knock yourself out.

It’s always good to get some money back on your shopping.

What is the most expensive item you have ever bought?

A Louis Vuitton handbag.

Have you ever been down and out?

Yes, I have.

How did you manage?

By assessing the situation. Then, after having learnt a huge lesson, I dusted myself off and got back into the game.

What is the best financial advice you have received?

Don’t ever buy anything on credit and stay in your financial lane.

What was your first job and how much did it pay?

I worked at a clothing boutique when I was doing my first year in tertiary education and I got R400 a month.

What is the worst thing you’ve done for money?

I walked long distances at night in some very dangerous places to go to promotion jobs in Joburg, before I had my first car.

What was your most expensive meal ever, how much did it cost and who made it?

I would say the lunches I had with the Rupert family at the L’Ormarins wine estate and the Queen’s Plate. They were made by their chefs and I have no idea how much they could have cost.

Who is the one person in the world that you would

love to cook for?

My husband.

If you won the jackpot, how would you spend it?

I would invest it in properties.

You are an industriou­s person. What is the next challenge you are looking forward to?

Working as a property consultant, selling houses. I am already doing the internship for that.

 ??  ?? FIRM FOUNDATION: Aretha Bauwens is training as a property consultant
FIRM FOUNDATION: Aretha Bauwens is training as a property consultant

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