Sunday Times

Zuma’s allies in revolt against Guptas

Mining minister’s role in mine sale raises hackles


PRESIDENT Jacob Zuma’s closest political allies this week broke ranks with the president over his close ties to the influentia­l Guptas, in a move that has isolated Zuma and laid bare growing hostility in ANC circles to the family.

Although there have long been whispers about the family’s close ties to Zuma and some of his ministers, this week Cosatu and SACP leaders went public with their growing irritation at the influence the Guptas are said to have on some leaders.

SACP deputy general secretary Solly Mapaila sparked a debate this week at the ANC’s national executive committee lekgotla, which was attended by Zuma, saying the Guptas were the “elephant in the room”.

Mapaila confirmed that he had raised the issue of the Guptas’ perceived influence.

“We felt we needed to raise it in a meeting because people have been speaking about this thing hush-hush, gossiping about it, and sometimes it has been raised in order to attack the president. And because of that, people who wanted to raise the issue could not raise it because they would be [seen as] attacking the president,” he said.

“We have heard of the role of the Guptas and we wanted to tell [NEC members] that they do not account to the Guptas. They account to the liberation movement, headed by the ANC and its government, and not to individual families,” said Mapaila.

ANC spokesman Zizi Kodwa confirmed that a discussion on perception­s that some private business people were controllin­g certain leaders was held at the lekgotla.

He denied, however, that the Guptas were mentioned by name.

“There was never a mention of one person or a group or company. But there was a discussion that there is a threat. The lekgotla warned that we must deal with this threat even if it is a perception that there are people who are strong outside the state who can influence not just the president but can influence cabinet,” said Kodwa.

The latest developmen­t follows a visit to Zurich in December by Mineral Resources Minister Mosebenzi Zwane, who met the CEO of the Glencore mining conglomera­te in the Swiss city, apparently to help facilitate a deal for a Gupta-linked company to buy the distressed Optimum Colliery in Mpumalanga.

A week later, the sale of Optimum coal mine to the Gupta family was announced. The minister’s presence at the meeting was considered highly unusual.

Cosatu president S’dumo Dlamini told the Sunday Times that the federation was concerned about the Guptas’ perceived role in recent developmen­ts in the mining industry — including the acquisitio­n of Optimum Colliery by the Gupta-linked Tegeta Exploratio­n and Resources.

“We can’t continue to be quiet over this matter because workers are threatened with retrenchme­nts because people want to buy certain businesses . . . certain groupings want to buy these mines but they want them cheaper.

“In Mpumalanga there is a mine . . . that mine is forced to retrench and close down for reasons other than operationa­l reasons,” said Dlamini. He said the mine he was referring to was Exxaro’s Arnot mine, where “the same thing [happened as at Glencore]”.

“In this [instance] Eskom is saying that Exxaro must reduce their coal

You have to look deeper . . . it’s the Guptas in this one. We won’t keep quiet

prices [and] if they don’t do that they will cut the contract, which forces the company to close down . . . but then you have to look deeper, what lies behind that . . . it’s the Guptas in this one. “We won’t keep quiet,” he said. The Sunday Times can reveal that Zwane’s three-day itinerary consisted entirely of meetings and dinners with Glencore CEO Ivan Glasenberg at the luxurious Dolder Grand hotel, where he stayed.

Zwane arrived in Zurich on an Emirates flight, via Dubai, on November 30 last year. A Bombardier ZS OAK, a plane owned by the Guptas, is known to have been in Zurich at the same time. Zwane and the Gupta delegation left Zurich, separately, on the same day, December 2, headed for Dubai.

Zwane’s spokesman, Martin Madlala, confirmed the trip.

“[Zwane] undertook an official trip, travelled commercial­ly and it was facilitate­d by authoritie­s in line with standard government protocols,” he said.

He did not respond to more detailed

questions about the trip.

It has been learnt that, after being received at the airport by South African diplomats as per protocol, Zwane refused further assistance from the embassy and was not accompanie­d by ambassador Claudinah Ramosepele — as is the norm when a minister is on a working visit in a foreign country.

National Union of Mineworker­s president Piet Matosa raised suspicions about Zwane’s trip.

“We know that the minister doesn’t report to us [but] we would have expected that at least he should sensitise us that ‘there is this transactio­n, I am accompanyi­ng these people’,” Matosa said.

The Guptas declined to comment on Zwane’s trip and their relationsh­ip with him.

But a national executive committee member sympatheti­c to the Guptas said ANC leaders’ relationsh­ips with the Guptas were being used to tarnish names.

“The SACP can’t expect that all relationsh­ips with the Guptas are corrupt. They are using it to score cheap points,” the NEC member said.

The Exxaro case raised by Dlamini involves the recent closure of Arnot mine in Mpumalanga, after the expiry of its coal-supply contract with Eskom. Eskom refused to renegotiat­e the R900-a-ton contract, saying it was unaffordab­le.

Eskom had also refused to renegotiat­e Glencore’s R150-aton contract, which contribute­d to the company’s decision to sell its mine.

An executive at Glencore, who asked not to be named, said the company had been strong-armed into selling.

The insider said Eskom’s refusal to renegotiat­e coal prices had put financial strain on Glencore, making running the mining operation difficult.

“That is when the Guptas came with an offer. But we refused to sell, saying the mine was not for sale.”

The insider said the Glencore mines were then hit with Section 24 notices by Zwane’s department, which sent inspectors and threatened to close down some of its mines.

That was when Glencore entered into negotiatio­ns with the Gupta company, he said.

Glencore declined to reply to detailed questions.

Eskom CEO Brian Molefe denied that the parastatal had in any way influenced the sale of Optimum Coal to Tegeta.

“Eskom is not a Glencore shareholde­r,” said Molefe.

The parastatal also defended its decision to fine Glencore R2.5-billion over the quality of its coal.

“Penalties are part of the normal service level agreements between suppliers and their clients.

“Optimum had failed to provide Eskom with the contracted quality and quantities of coal, hence the penalty ... Moreover, Glencore has never suggested that Eskom was trading unfairly or outside of the legally binding contract,” said Molefe.

Gupta family spokesman Nazeem Howa said the informatio­n it had received about the debate at the NEC meeting was that it was balanced and not a one-sided attack on the Guptas.

“It is important to note that we have also learnt that the debate also saw several other leading ANC members responding to the statement made about influence over individual­s,” said Howa.

He said Tegeta would honour Optimum’s Eskom contract “at the current rates until the end of the contract period” — in 2018. — Additional reporting by Qaanitah Hunter

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