Sunday Times

Muzzle studies


I know personally of two separate incidents where dogs committed atrocities — in one case, the dog actually tore off someone’s ear; in the other, the dog escaped its owners’ property and killed another dog on a leash being walked past on the pavement — and yet remained cosseted members of those families. I’m sorry, but if a “child” of mine tore off someone’s ear, I’d be tempted to have him put down. For me, the decision to euthanize a dangerous dog is a no-brainer. And I’m a dog-lover.

“Get your effing dog back inside and close your effing gate!” That was me, screaming at clueless muppet #4, who stood around holding grocery bags and whittering uselessly while her terrier shot past the muppet’s car and out the open gate, and went straight for my dog’s jugular. Her explanatio­n? “I was just unpacking the car . . .”

But perhaps my favourite was the reaction of clueless muppet #5, who clocked me walking

It would have been comical had it not been so bowel-looseningl­y terrifying: the rottweiler­s clearly could not believe their luck, and hesitated for a fraction of a second, glancing at each other, before launching themselves at my dog. As my dog’s howls of fear and pain rent the air, and I tried to wrestle the pram containing the completely hysterical child out of the way of the fracas, I screamed at the muppet, “Get your dogs under control!”

Her (shouted) response? “Oh, just calm down.”

I can only hope there’s a special circle of hell reserved for these people, where they’re forever set upon by the dogs of other nitwits, and have to listen to “just” excuses for eternity. LS

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